2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'furniture tuscaloosa al'|Guest Post by K: Whirlwinds of Change & a New Normal

About 'furniture tuscaloosa al'|Guest Post by K: Whirlwinds of Change & a New Normal

               Today               on               Yahoo!

News,               I               came               across               the               heartwarming               story               of               the               delayed               graduation               ceremonies               at               the               University               of               Alabama               in               Tuscaloosa.

Six               UA               students               lost               their               lives               in               the               devastating               tornado               outbreak               of               April               27,               2011,               when               62               tornadoes               ravaged               the               Deep               South,               including               a               large               F4               tornado               that               plowed               through               densely-populated               sections               of               the               middling-to-large               college               town               of               Tuscaloosa.
               To               read               the               news,               one               would               believe               that               this               is               the               worst               thing               that               ever               happened               in               Tuscaloosa,               but               I               and               probably               thousands               of               other               people               could               tell               you               a               different               tale.

I               lived               in               Tuscaloosa               for               three               years,               from               1997               to               2000.

In               that               time,               I               was               involved               in               two               car               accidents,               one               of               them               quite               serious.

Contrast               that               to               another               college               town,               Auburn,               Alabama,               where               I               lived               and               drove               for               11               years               without               a               single               traffic               mishap.

In               my               short               tenure               in               Tuscaloosa,               I               heard               many               more               horror               tales               of               gruesome               auto               accidents               from               students,               residents               and               visitors               alike.

When               the               guy               who               pranged               our               car               sued               us               (!),               I               was               present               at               the               jury               selection,               and               almost               all               of               the               potential               jurors               had               been               involved               in               an               accident               in               or               near               the               city.

That               should               tell               you               something.
               According               to               this               accident               law               site,               there               are               37               auto-related               deaths               in               Tuscaloosa               County               each               year.

This               encompasses               mainly               the               cities               of               Tuscaloosa               and               its               sister               city,               Northport.

A               far               higher               death               toll               lurks               along               the               dangerous               intersections               and               four-lane               highways               than               was               seen               in               the               April               27               outbreak;               of               course,               they               didn't               all               happen               at               once.

That               is               what               makes               the               tornado               outbreak               so               awful,               but               I               couldn't               let               my               own,               perhaps               more               prosaic,               experience               with               Tuscaloosa               remain               unexpressed               in               the               wake               of               remembrance               for               the               victims               of               this               outbreak.
               I               have               driven               in               many               large               cities:               Atlanta,               Orlando,               Tampa,               New               Orleans,               Chicago,               Nashville,               Huntsville               (AL),               Birmingham,               the               list               goes               on.

I               imagine               that,               if               I               had               lived               for               a               long               term               in               any               of               these               large               cities,               I               would               be               more               inured               to               the               fact               of               life               that               driving               is               inherently               dangerous,               and               more               people               perish               on               America's               roadways               than               by               any               other               mode               of               transportation.

Still,               one               doesn't               expect               a               mid-sized               college               town               to               have               such               an               Indy               500               mentality               on               its               roads.

I               came               to               Tuscaloosa               straight               from               Auburn               (make               of               that               what               you               will!),               and               although               Auburn's               roads               were               woefully               inadequate               to               the               burgeoning               college               student               population,               Tuscaloosa's               roads               are               much               more               expansive.

One               would               think               they               would               easily               accommodate               the               surrounding               population.That               population               drove               like               bats               out               of               hell,               though!
               But               Tuscaloosa               is               not               Auburn,               as               most               Tide               and               Tiger               fans               will               agree.

I               would               estimate               the               former               has               at               least               three               times               the               population               of               the               latter,               and               it               has               the               extra               infrastructure               that               goes               with               that               larger               population.

This               also               means               that               any               flaws               in               the               highway               and               road               layouts               will               be               more               thoroughly               put               to               the               test,               as               I               found               out               in               my               1998               "crash               test,"               which               occurred               only               two               blocks               from               my               house.
               I'm               not               trying               to               marginalize               what               happened               to               the               people               who               lost               loved               ones               in               the               April               27               outbreak,               but               rather,               I               wish               to               put               the               "mishap               factor"               in               perspective.

College               towns               are               dangerous               for               many               reasons.

Of               course               one               doesn't               expect               a               massive               tornado               outbreak               to               be               one               of               those               reasons.

A               student               goes               out               on               his               or               her               own,               perhaps               with               a               new               car,               a               new               set               of               dorm               furniture               and               the               rush               of               first-time               independence.

Many               students               don't               have               a               clue               what               to               do               with               this               freedom;               some               get               caught               in               the               merciless               crush               of               life               as               we               know               it.

Leaving               home               is               dangerous               and               unpredictable               in               outcome.

But               rest               assured,               you               are               MUCH               more               likely               to               perish               in               a               car               accident               in               Tuscaloosa               than               in               a               tornado               outbreak.
               So,               just               because               you've               got               sunny               skies               and               a               cool               car,               that               doesn't               mean               you               shouldn't               keep               an               eye               on               the               road               and               put               down               that               cellphone!

The               long-term               health               of               people               like               you               and               me               is               at               stake               here               (not               to               mention               your               insurability)!

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