2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'enterprise tuscaloosa al'|Ex Aide To Luther Strange Has Business Connections To Man Indicted In Panama Gambling Investigation

About 'enterprise tuscaloosa al'|Ex Aide To Luther Strange Has Business Connections To Man Indicted In Panama Gambling Investigation

Alabama,               like               the               rest               of               the               U.S.,               has               been               severely               affected               by               the               economic               downturn               and               credit               crisis,               resulting               in               a               sharp               drop               in               the               Business               Leaders               Confidence               Index               for               the               1st               quarter               of               2009.

The               state's               manufacturing               sector,               particularly               the               automotive               industry,               has               been               particularly               hard               hit.

But               prior               to               this               crisis,               Alabama               had               been               recognized               for               its               favorable               business               climate               and               had               weathered               the               recession               reasonably               well               through               mid               2008.

The               Alabama               state               government               has               encouraged               businesses               to               locate               their               operations               in               the               state,               make               investments,               and               hire               local               workers               by               promoting               a               favorable               business               climate.


Deter               Zetsche,               Chairman               of               DaimlerChrysler               AG,               recognizes               the               great               support               from               the               State               of               Alabama               in               the               success               of               their               plant               in               Tuscaloosa.

And               Charles               Allen,               Vice               President               of               Business               Operations               for               Boeing,               points               out               the               well-trained               and               educated               workforce,               the               positive               business               environment,               and               the               support               from               state               and               local               officials               as               factors               in               the               success               of               Boeing's               operations               in               the               state.

Hyundai               set               up               its               first               U.S.

manufacturing               plant               in               Montgomery,               Alabama.

With               an               investment               of               $1.4               billion,               it               is               one               of               the               most               advanced               assembly               plants               in               North               America.
               In               its               Survey               of               the               Top               25               State               Business               Climate,               Site               Selection               magazine               ranked               Alabama               as               5th               in               the               country               in               2007.

And               AIDT,               Alabama's               workforce               training               program,               which               is               ISO               9001:2000               certified,               was               ranked               second               in               the               U.S.

in               2007               by               Expansion               Management.

AIDT               provides               job-specific               training,               free               of               charge,               to               new               and               expanding               businesses               throughout               Alabama.
               Alabama               offers               many               industrial               and               commercial               buildings               for               sale               or               lease               throughout               the               state,               and               nearly               600               industrial               parks,               greenfield               sites               and               reusable               property               sites.

Property               taxes               are               among               the               lowest               in               the               country.

And               the               Alabama               Department               of               Environmental               Management               provides               "one-stop"               permitting               for               all               major               federal               and               state               environmental               laws.
               Tax               incentives               for               businesses               in               Alabama               include               a               deduction               for               pollution               control               equipment,               a               15-year               carryforward               for               net               operating               losses,               a               basic               skills               educational               tax               credit,               an               income               tax               credit               for               capital               projects,               and               certain               abatements               on               property               and               sales               taxes.
               When               a               business               is               installed               in               certain               designated               areas               in               Alabama               called               Enterprise               Zones,               or               when               the               business               makes               investments               or               hires               workers               in               these               areas,               it               qualifies               for               special               state               tax               credits.

According               to               the               Alabama               Department               of               Economic               and               Community               Affairs,               Enterprise               Zones               have               been               designated               in               the               cities               of               Birmingham,               Montgomery               and               Prichard,               and               in               various               counties               throughout               the               state.
               Hiring               incentives               in               enterprise               zones               include               a               tax               credit               of               up               to               $2,500               for               each               new               permanent               employee               hired,               and               a               credit               of               $1,000               per               permanent               employee               for               the               cost               of               training               the               employee               in               new               skills.

New               investments               or               improvements               to               existing               facilities               in               an               enterprise               zone               qualify               for               a               tax               credit               of               10%               on               the               first               $10,000,               5%               on               the               next               $90,000,               and               2%               on               the               remaining               investment.
               Businesses               can               also               receive               an               exemption               from               the               Alabama               sales               and               use               tax               on               the               materials               purchased               to               construct               a               new               building               or               to               make               additions               or               improvements               to               an               existing               building,               and               on               machinery               and               equipment               used               in               the               enterprise               zone.
               Alabama's               future               economic               development,               beyond               the               current               economic               crisis,               may               depend               partially               on               the               fate               of               the               automotive               industry               and               developments               in               aerospace               and               biotechnology,               in               which               Alabama               is               an               innovative               leader.

But               the               infrastructure               and               incentives               Alabama               has               established               to               promote               its               business               climate               should               encourage               investment               and               employment               and               contribute               to               stimulating               business               activity               in               the               state.
               Alabama               Business               Climate               -               Alabama               State               Government
               Alabama               Enterprise               Zone               Program               -               Escambia               County               Industrial               Development               Authority
               Enterprise               Zone               Program               -               Alabama               Department               of               Economic               and               Community               Affairs
               State               Enterprise               Zones               -               Economic               Development               Partnership               Alabama
               Tax               Incentives               for               Industry               -               Alabama               Department               of               Revenue

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    2013년 12월 2일 월요일

    About 'things to do tuscaloosa al'|Little Chaos

    About 'things to do tuscaloosa al'|Little Chaos

    University               Boulevard               cuts               a               wide               swath               through               the               heart               of               Tuscaloosa,               Alabama.

    On               one               end               is               a               collection               of               once               thriving               neighborhoods.

    At               the               center               lies               the               campus               of               the               University               of               Alabama               with               its               attendant               "Strip"               of               college-dominated               restaurants               and               bars.

    At               the               other               end,               the               part               that               runs               through               a               struggling               downtown               business               district               teetering               on               the               edge               of               either               revival               or               oblivion,               is               DePalma's               Italian               Cafe,               a               small               culinary               jewel               tucked               into               a               charming               old               corner               brick               edifice               that               once               housed               a               ladies               department               store.

    If               you've               read               any               of               my               other               restaurant               reviews               -               and               if               you               haven't,               you               really               should               -               you'll               know               that               I               have               certain               criteria               regarding               Italian               eateries.

    For               instance,               at               least               somebody               on               the               staff               has               to               speak               Italian.

    The               more               Italian               speakers,               the               higher               the               rating.

    When               I               walk               through               the               door               and               say               something               like,               "Vorrei               un               tavolo               per               due,               per               favore,"               if               the               host               or               hostess               smiles               and               leads               me               to               a               table               for               two,               that's               a               point.

    If               I               order               in               Italian               and               the               waiter               doesn't               flinch,               that's               another               point.

    (I               once               had               a               strange               experience               at               a               Greek-owned               Italian               place               in               Atlanta.

    I               was               ordering               in               Italian,               the               waiter               was               responding               in               Greek               and               neither               of               us               was               getting               anywhere.)               And               ambiance               is               a               factor,               too.

    Now,               I               don't               necessarily               mean               red               checkered               tablecloths               and               Italian               flags               on               the               walls,               but               the               sights,               sounds,               and               smells               of               a               real               Italian               place               are               usually               unmistakable.
                   Most               importantly,               of               course,               is               the               quality               of               the               food.

    Fresh               made               dishes               constructed               from               high               quality               fresh               ingredients               are               an               absolute               must.

    Anything               less               and               I               might               as               well               be               at               an               Olive               Garden.
                   By               my               first               criteria,               DePalma's               should               fail               miserably.


    Come               on!

    This               is               downtown               Tuscaloosa,               a               stone's               throw               from               Bryant-Denny               Stadium!

    You're               far               more               likely               to               be               greeted               with,               "Roll               Tide!"               than               you               are               "Benvenuti!

    "               (In               case               you               ever               need               to               know,               "Rotolare               Marea"               would               be               "Roll               Tide"               in               Italian.)
                   And               it               certainly               doesn't               look               like               an               Italian               restaurant.

    What               with               the               mixture               of               antique               movie               posters,               celebrity               photos,               and               advertising               signs               adorning               the               walls,               it               looks               more               like               an               urban               version               of               Cracker               Barrel.

    But,               strangely               enough,               this               "shabby               chic"               atmosphere               that               can               feel               so               contrived               in               other               places               actually               works               here.

    The               terra               cotta               tiled               floors               and               slightly               mismatched               furnishings               blend               nicely               with               a               somewhat               faded               Tuscan               color               palette,               accented               by               the               aforementioned               eclectic               collection               of               art               and               accent               pieces.

    In               an               odd               sort               of               way,               it's               just               the               kind               of               place               you'd               find               off               the               beaten               path               in               Italy,               where               they               don't               really               try               to               look               "Italian."
                   Then               the               smell               of               the               food               hits               you               and               you               just               know               that               there               are               good               things               going               on               in               the               kitchen.

    Something               intangible               urges               you               to               proceed.
                   Amidst               a               bustling               lunch               service,               we               were               attended               to               promptly               by               a               very               cheerful               and               accommodating               hostess               who               seated               us               in               a               booth               situated               between               a               movie               poster               advertising               one               of               Ezio               Pinza's               lesser               efforts               and               a               reproduction               photograph               of               Wild               Bill               Hickok.

    We               found               ourselves               basking               in               the               gaze               of               a               bust               not               of               an               ancient               emperor               of               Rome,               but               of               the               somewhat               more               contemporary               King               of               Rock               and               Roll.

    Oh,               and               let's               not               forget               Moe,               Larry,               and               Curly,               resplendent               in               golf               attire,               surveying               the               scene               from               the               wall               above               an               adjacent               table.
                   Our               server,               who               arrived               tableside               almost               before               we               were               seated,               was               exceptionally               knowledgeable               not               only               about               the               menu,               but               about               Italian               cuisine               in               general.

    Quite               impressive.

    Service               was               prompt,               efficient,               and               friendly               without               being               intrusive.

    I               like               servers               who               magically               appear               when               you               need               them               but               don't               otherwise               hover               and               interrupt.
                   And               then               there               was               the               food.

    Any               doubts               about               the               Italian               character               of               this               place               were               put               to               rest               with               a               single               glance               at               the               expansive               lunch               menu,               which               offered               a               variety               of               choices               ranging               from               pasta               dishes               through               salads,               pizza               and               panini.
                   My               wife               selected               a               chicken               Caesar               salad,               which               she               pronounced               perfect.

    The               crisp,               fresh               mixed               greens               were               complimented               by               a               house-made               Caesar               dressing               and               croutons               that               had               obviously               never               seen               the               inside               of               a               box.

    When               questioned,               our               server               confirmed               that               they               were,               indeed,               fatto               in               casa.

    Well...she               actually               said               "homemade."               In               fact,we               were               assured               that               nearly               everything               on               the               menu               was               made               fresh               whenever               possible.
                   My               wife               then               moved               on               to               enjoy               a               steak               sandwich               -               and               I               do               mean               enjoy.

    It               was               almost               sensual.

    A               lush               garden               of               radicchio,               mixed               greens,               and               tomatoes               surrounded               thick               chunks               of               perfectly               prepared               medium               rare               steak               suffused               with               garlic               butter,               all               served               on               a               lightly               toasted               sandwich               roll.

    Although               more               an               American-style               hoagie               than               a               traditional               Italian               panino               -               which               is               generally               grilled               and               pressed               -               it               was               so               delicious               and               she               was               so               delighted               by               every               bite               that               she               actually               made               it               a               point               to               show               me               every               bite               as               she               took               it,               saying,               "Look               how               tender!"               or               "See               how               perfectly               that's               cooked?"               I               felt               like               I               was               intruding               on               a               religious               experience.

    It               was               a               difficult               choice               between               the               steak               sandwich               and               its               roasted               chicken               menu               companion,               an               item               that               was               a               more               nearly               authentic               panino,               served               up               on               oven-toasted               ciabatta.

    Maybe               next               time.

    (Note               to               faux               Italian               restaurateurs:               "panino"               is               the               singular               form,               "panini"               is               plural.

    One               does               not               have               "a"               panini               nor               does               one               advertise               "paninis,"               there               actually               being               no               such               word.)
                   One               of               our               companions               opted               for               ham               and               cheese,               which               turned               out               to               be               a               very               good               sandwich.

    Now,               one               can't               rhapsodize               too               much               over               a               ham               and               cheese               sandwich,               but               the               flavorful               black               forest               ham               topped               with               provolone               and               served               on               a               lightly               toasted               hoagie               roll               was               lauded               as               excellent.

    What               made               it               unique               -               and               Italianesque,               I               suppose               -               was               the               addition               of               a               light               application               of               garlic               butter.

    The               subtle               buttery               garlic               element               was               a               nice               accent               to               the               ham               and               cheese               and               provided               an               interesting               depth               of               flavor.

    A               garnish               of               mixed               greens               and               tomato,               along               with               crispy               thick               cut               kettle-style               potato               chips,               rounded               out               a               perfect               lunch               plate.
                   Our               other               companion               chose               a               seafood               stuffed               shell;               a               flavorful               combination               of               flaky               white               fish               and               shrimp               in               a               tender               pasta               shell               with               a               creamy               feta               cheese               sauce               served               on               a               bed               of               fresh               baby               spinach.

    It,               too,               was               deemed               delicious.
                   I               -               always               a               sucker               for               a               good               pizza               -               chose               to               indulge               my               passion.

    I               was               not               disappointed.

    My               simple               cheese               pizza               was               simply               exquisite.

    If               someone               from               Associazione               Verace               Pizza               Napoletana,               the               Italian               commission               that               regulates               the               production               of               true               Neopolitan-style               pizza,               were               to               visit               DePalma's,               they               would               be               suitably               impressed.

    The               thin,               crisp,               airy,               and               slightly               chewy               crust               was               absolutely               perfect               as               was               the               ratio               of               sauce               to               cheese.

    I               could               have               seriously               hurt               myself               with               that               pizza.

    And               they               have               Peroni               Nastro               Azzurro,               my               favorite               Italian               beer,               on               tap.

    A               definite               plus.
                   We               split               desserts,               starting               with               cannoli.

    We               devoured               the               perfectly               prepared               concoction               in               shamefully               speedy               fashion,               resisting               the               urge               to               lick               the               final               remnants               of               chocolate               and               sweet               ricotta               from               the               plate.

    If               there               hadn't               been               fifty               or               sixty               people               in               the               place,               it               might               have               been               another               story.
                   The               white               chocolate               bread               pudding               came               highly               recommended,               and               the               server               who               recommended               it               should               get               a               raise.

    Also               made               fresh               in-house               and               served               warm.

                   And               that               was               just               lunch!

    Can't               wait               to               try               DePalma's               for               dinner.

                   Reasonably               priced               and               conveniently               located               near               City               Hall               in               downtown               Tuscaloosa,               DePalma's               is               open               from               11               AM               to               10               PM               Monday               through               Thursday               and               from               11               AM               to               11PM               on               Friday               and               Saturday.

    Closed               Sunday.

    Reservations               are               not               required.

    Casual               dress               is               acceptable.

    On               street               parking               is               available               and               several               free               parking               lots               are               within               easy               walking               distance.
                   DePalma's               Italian               Cafe               
                   2300               University               Blvd               
                   Tuscaloosa,               AL               25401               
                   (205)               759-1879               

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    2013년 12월 1일 일요일

    About 'tuscaloosa court records'|Traffic Court, Usury, Bham News and Dekalb County Alabama

    About 'tuscaloosa court records'|Traffic Court, Usury, Bham News and Dekalb County Alabama

    Senator               Shelby's               profile               nationally               has               risen               lately,               and               a               lot               of               it               has               been               negative,               given               his               controversial               opposition               to               the               Detroit               Auto               Bailout               and               recent               remarks               about               persistent               rumors               regarding               President               Obama's               citizenship,               but               there               is               little               doubt               as               to               why               he               is               well               loved               in               his               home               state               of               Alabama.

    Senator               Shelby               is               the               sole               sponsor               of               over               $114               Million               in               Federal               appropriation               earmarks,               all               of               that               money               coming               directly               back               to               his               constituents               in               Alabama.

    Law               enforcement,               Education,               Infrastructure,               and               Scientific               Research               are               the               biggest               beneficiaries               of               his               congressional               generosity,               and               his               committee               memberships               on               the               Senate               Committee               on               Appropriations               and               the               Subcommittee               on               Commerce,               Justice               and               Science               (Ranking               Member,               former               Chairman),               Subcommittee               on               Defense,               Subcommittee               on               Homeland               Security,               Subcommittee               on               Labor,               Health               and               Human               Services,               Education               &               Related               Agencies,               Subcommittee               on               State,               Foreign               Operations               &               Related               Programs               and               Subcommittee               on               Transportation,               Housing               and               Urban               Development,               and               Related               Agencies               puts               him               in               the               prime               position               in               making               sure               that               his               constituents               are               recipients               of               every               penny               he               can               get.
                   Senator               Shelby               and               his               wife,               Annette,               have               buildings               named               after               them               at               the               University               of               Alabama,               University               of               Alabama               at               Birmingham,               and               Auburn               University,               and               it               is               likely               that               the               $114               Million               spending               spree               that               will               be               going               on               will               engender               tremendous               goodwill               statewide               over               the               course               of               the               next               few               years.
                   The               debate               over               the               process               of               appropriation               earmarks,               their               legitimacy,               the               transparency               of               the               process,               and               the               connection               to               lobbyists               will               continue               to               rage               for               some               time.

    The               Department               of               Justice               is               investigating               the               ties               between               lobbyists,               lawmakers,               and               earmarks,               and               Arizona               Representative               Jeff               Flake               recently               introduced               legislation               for               the               House               Ethics               committee               to               also               investigate,               but               his               motion               was               defeated               226               to               182.
                   A               list               of               appropriation               earmarks               that               can               be               attributed               to               Senator               Shelby,               in               whole               or               in               part,               follows               below:               

                   $1,000,000               for               novel               polymeric               material               research               at               Auburn               University.

    The               earmark               was               cosponsored               by               Representative               Robert               Aderholt,               Representative               Mike               Rogers,               and               Senator               Richard               Shelby.

    $1,500,000               from               the               National               Oceanic               and               Atmospheric               Administration:               to               improve               computer               models,               install               climate               sensors               on               satellites               and               improve               the               accessibility               of               climate               data               at               Auburn               University.

    Senator               Shelby               was               the               lone               sponsor               of               this               earmark.

    $1,700,000               in               Byrne               Discretionary               Grants               for               Auburn               University               Canine               Detection               Development               and               Training               for               Local               Law               Enforcement.

    Cosponsored               by               Rep.

    Aderholt,               Rep.

    Rogers,               and               Senator               Shelby.

    $500,000               for               Alabama               4-H               for               Juvenile               Justice               Prevention               Programs               in               Auburn,               sponsored               by               Senator               Shelby.

    $75,000               for               the               City               of               Auburn               for               a               Mobile               Data               System               under               the               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Technology               program,               cosponsored               by               Rep.

    Rogers               and               Senator               Shelby.

    $819,000               for               the               Auburn               University               Catfish               Genome               Project,               sponsored               by               Senator               Shelby,               Rep.

    Rogers,               Representative               Terry               Everett,               and               Representative               Arthur               Davis.

    $1,293,000               for               Improved               Crop               Production               Practices               at               Auburn               University,               sponsored               by               Senator               Jeff               Sessions,               Senator               Shelby,               former               Representative               Bud               Cramer,               Rep.

    Aderholt               and               Rep.

    Rogers               $951,500               for               the               Auburn               University               Bioenegry               and               Bioproducts               Laboratory,               sponsored               by               Rep.

    Rogers,               Senator               Shelby,               and               Senator               Sessions.

    $415,000               for               Precision               agriculture,               Tennessee               Valley               Research               center,               Alabama,               Cosponsored               with               former-Rep.

    Bud               Cramer.

    $419,000               for               Precision               Agriculture,               Alabama,               cosponsored               with               Rep.

    Rogers,               $1,743,000               for               Detection               and               Food               safety,               cosponsored               with               Senator               Sessions,               Rep.

    Rogers,               and               Rep.

    Aderholt,               $413,000               for               Tri-State               Peanut               Research,               cosponsored               with               Senator               Sessions,               Rep.

    Rogers,               and               Rep.

    Everett               $202,000               for               Conservation               Outreach               and               Education,               City               of               Foley,               Alabama.

    $30,000,000               for               for               an               interdisciplinary               science               and               engineering               teaching               and               research               corridor               at               University               of               Alabama,               Tuscaloosa.

    $1,000,000               for               Gulf               Coast               Flood               Elevation               Study,               in               Bay               Minette,               Baldwin               County,               Alabama               cosponsored               with               Rep.

    Jo               Bonner.

    $500,000               for               Public               Education               in               Mobile,               Alabama               $500,000               for               NOM               educational               exhibits               in               Mobile,               Alabama.

    $250,000               for               study               of               Perdido               Pass               Inlet               at               Orange               Beach,               Alabama               $900,000               for               Dauphin               Island               Sea               Lab               for               Fish               Management,               in               Mobile,               Alabama               $1,000,000               for               Gulf               Coast               Flood               Elevation               Study,               Mobile               County,               Alabama               cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $750,000               for               NOAA               University               of               Alabama               State               research               with               the               Army,               in               Huntsville,               Alabama               $700,000               for               The               University               of               Alabama               at               Birmingham               for               nanotoxicology               research,               cosponsored               with               Rep.

    Aderholt               $800,000               for               The               University               of               Alabama               at               Huntsville               for               cooperative               institute.

    $800,000               for               The               University               of               Alabama               at               Huntsville               for               weather               research               in               the               Gulf               of               Mexico,               cosponsored               with               former-Rep.

    Cramer               $500,000               for               University               of               North               Alabama               for               Geospatial               Analysis               in               Florence,               Alabama.

    $700,000               for               University               of               South               Alabama               for               hurricane               monitoring               in               the               Gulf               of               Mexico.

    $800,000               for               University               of               South               Alabama               for               oyster               rehabilitation.

    $750,000               for               Von               Braun               Center               for               Science               &               Innovation,               for               research               Gulf               Coast               research               in               Huntsville,               Alabama.

    $400,000               for               City               of               Dauphin               Island               for               shoreline               restoration.

    $10,550,000               for               University               of               Alabama               for               weather               research               in               the               Gulf               of               Mexico.

    $350,000               for               Alabama               Criminal               Justice               Information               Center               (ACJIC)               for               law               enforcement               data               gathering               and               dissemination               in               Montgomery,               Alabama.

    $350,000               for               Calhoun               County               Sheriff               for               law               enforcement               data               gathering               and               dissemination               in               Anniston,               Alabama               $200,000               for               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Technology               for               City               of               Brewton               for               equipment               and               technology               upgrades               in               Escambia.


    $200,000               for               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Techoology               for               City               of               Calera               for               equipment               and               technology               upgrades               in               Calera,               Alabama.

    $300,000               for               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Technology               for               City               of               Dothan               for               equipment               and               technology               upgrades               in               Dothan,               Alabama.

    $250,000               for               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Technology               for               City               of               Gadsden               for               equipment               and               technology               upgrades               in               Gadsden,               AL.

    $350,000               for               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Technology               City               of               Gulf               Shores               for               equipment               and               technology               upgrades               Gulf               Shores,               AL.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $500,000               for               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Technology               City               of               Montgomery               and               Montgomery               County               for               equipment               and               technology               upgrades               in               Montgomery,               Alabma.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $400,000               for               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Technology               City               of               PrattVille               for               equipment               and               technology               upgrades               in               Prattville,               Alabama.

    $50,000               for               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Technology               for               Goodwater               Police               Department               for               equipment               and               technology               upgrades               in               Goodwater,               Alabama.

    $200,000               for               COPS               law               Enforcement               Technology               for               Jefferson               County               Sheriff               Integrated               law               Enforcement               Records               Management               System               Phase               3               in               Birmingham,               Alabama.

    Cosponsored               by               Representative               Arthur               Davis               and               Representative               Spencer               Bachus.

    $100,000               for               COPS               law               Enforcement               Technology               in               Lauderdale               County,               AL               Sheriff's               Office               in               Florence,               Alabama.

    Cosponsored               with               former-Rep.


    $500,000               for               COPS               law               Enforcement               Technology               for               Mobile               County               Commission               for               equipment               and               technology               upgrades.

    $200,000               for               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Technology               for               Scottsboro               Police               Department               for               equipment               and               technology               upgrades               in               Scottsboro,               Alabama.

    Wrongly               labeled               as               location               "Florence,               AL".

    Cosponsored               with               former-Rep.


    $100,000               for               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Technology               Talladega               County               Commission               for               radio               upgrades               in               Talladega,               AL.

    $50,000               for               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Technology               for               Town               of               Anderson               for               equipment               and               technology               upgrades               in               Anderson,               Alabama.

    $65,000               for               COPS               Law               Enforcement               Technology               for               Town               of               Somerville               for               equipment               and               technology               upgrades               in               Somerville,               Alabama.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $500,000               for               COPS               Meth               Alabama               District               Attorney               Zerometh               Alabama               program               in               Montgomery,               Alabama.

    $1,000,000               for               COPS               Meth               Alabama               District               Attorney's               Association               to               combat               the               methamphetamine               problem               and               educate               citizens               of               its               dangers               in               Montgomery,               Alabama.

    $350,000               for               Alabama               Center               for               Law               and               Civic               Education               to               continue               a               community               oriented               interdisciplinary               team               to               design,               implement               and               test               solutions               to               the               most               pressing               problems               of               violence               effecting               families               in               Birmingham,               Alabama.

    $1,000,000               for               Alabama               Department               of               Forensic               Sciences               for               forensics               research               and               operations               in               Montgomery,               Alabama.

    $500,000               for               Alabama               Department               of               Public               Safety               for               law               enforcement               purposes               in               Montgomery,               Alabama.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $100,000               for               Byrne               Discretionary               Grants               to               the               City               of               Alexander               City,               Alabama.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $100,000               for               police               equipment               Luverne,               AL.

    $300,000               for               Jefferson               County               Combined               911               Communications               Center               Phase               I,               Birmingham,               AL.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $1,500,000               for               Madison               County               Commission               for               integrated               law               enforcement               records               Huntsville,               AL.

    Cosponsored               with               former-Rep.


    $175,000               for               Madison               County               Drug               Court               Huntsville,               Alabama.

    Cosponsored               with               former-Rep.


    $100,000               for               Montgomery               County               Courthouse               in               Montgomery,               AL               $100,000.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $500,000               for               National               Center               for               Victims               of               Crime               (NCVC)               for               a               national               hotline               that               provides               information               and               services               to               crime               victims               in               Washington,               D.C.

    Cosponsored               with               Senator               Barbara               Mikulski.

    $500,000               for               Rape,               Abuse               and               Incest               National               Network               (RAINN)for               national               anti-sexual               assault               programs               in               Washington,               DC.

    Cosponsored               with               29               other               lawmakers.

    $1,000,000               for               Simon               Wiesenthal               Center               to               provide               sensitivity               training               to               law               enforcement               when               investigating               hate               crimes               and               civil               rights               abuses               in               Los               Angeles,               California.

    Cosponsored               with               Senator               Mikulski.

    $75,000               for               law               enforcement               equipment               in               Brantley,               AL.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $350,000               for               Troy               University               for               forensics               research               and               operations.

    Cosponsored               with               Senator               Sessions.

    $150,000               for               Alabama               Institute               for               Deaf               and               Blind               for               youth               mentoring               and               juvenile               justice               programs               in               Talladega,               Alabama.

    $1,000,000               for               Cal               Ripken.


    Foundation               for               youth               mentoring               programs               for               at-risk               children               in               Baltimore,               Maryland.

    Cosponsored               with               Representative               Dutch               Ruppersberger               and               Senator               Mikulski.

    $100,000               for               Cherokee               County               Family               Resource               Center               for               youth               mentoring               and               juvenile               justice               programs               in               Heflin,               AL.

    $400,000               for               Citizenship               Trust               at               American               Village               for               youth               mentoring               and               juvenile               justice               programs               in               Montgomery,               Alabama.

    $1,000,000               for               Girt               Scouts               USA               for               a               youth               mentoring               program               for               at-risk               children               of               adult               offenders               in               New               York,               NY.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.

    Ruppersberger               and               Senator               Mikulski.

    $125,000               for               Juvenile               justice               Program               for               University               of               Alabama               for               youth               mentoring               and               juvenile               justice               programs               in               Tuscaloosa,               AL.

    $125,000               for               Morgan               County               System               of               Services               for               youth               mentoring               and               juvenile               justice               programs               Decatur,               AL.

    Cosponsored               with               former-Rep.


    $400,000               for               National               Children's               Advocacy               Center               in               Huntsville,               Alabama.

    Cosponsored               with               former-Rep.


    $500,000               for               Team               Focus,               Inc               for               youth               mentoring               and               juvenile               justice               programs               Mobile,               Alabama.

    Cosponsored               with               Senator               Sessions               and               Rep.


    $100,000               for               TuskMac               CDC               for               youth               mentoring               and               juvenile               justice               programs               in               Tuskegee,               Alabama.

    $100,000               for               Union               Springs               YMCA               for               youth               mentoring               and               juvenile               justice               programs               in               Union               Springs,               AL.

    $400,000               for               University               of               South               Alabama               for               youth               mentoring               and               domestic               violence               prevention               programs               in               Mobile,               Alabama.

    $500,000               for               Alabama               A&M               University               Research               Institute               for               high               temperature               materials               research               in               Madison,               AL.

    $500,000               for               Gulf               Coast               Exploreum               Science               Center               for               educational               exhibits               in               Mobile,               Alabama.

    $4,275,000               for               NASA               projects               at               Marshall               Space               Flight               Center               in               Huntsville,               Alabama.

    $400,000               for               McWane               Science               Center               for               education               and               science               literacy               programs               Birmingham,               Alabama.

    Cosponsored               by               Rep.


    $500,000               for               Southern               Research               Institute               for               high               temperature               materials               in               Birmingham,               Alabama.

    $500,000               for               University               of               Alabama               in               Huntsville               for               advanced               fabrication               and               testing               of               complex               optical               systems.

    $200,000               for               University               of               South               Alabama               for               composite               materials               lab               in               Mobile,               Alabama.

    $500,000               for               US               Space               and               Rocket               Center               for               educational               exhibits               Huntsville,               Alabama.

    $4,785,000               for               construction               of               the               Mobile               Harbor               Turning               Basin.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.

    Aderholt,               Rep.

    Bachus,               Rep.

    Bonner,               former-Rep.

    Cramer,               Rep.


    $335,000               for               construction               of               Pinahook               Creek               in               Huntsville,               Alabama.

    Cosponsored               with               former-Rep.


    $7,500,000               for               unspecified               construction               in               Tuscaloosa,               Alabama.

    $17,000,000               for               Alabama               River               Lakes.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.

    Bonner,               Rep.

    Davis,               Rep.

    Everett,               Senator               Sessions,               and               President               Obama.

    $20,598,000               for               operation               and               maintenance               of               the               Black               Warrior               and               Tombigbee               Rivers.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.

    Aderbolt,               Senator               Sessions,               and               President               Obama.

    $5,773,000               for               operation               and               maintenance               of               the               Intercoastal               Waterway.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.

    Gene               Taylor,               Senator               Sessions               and               President               Obama.

    $23,000,000               for               operation               and               maintenance               of               the               Tennessee-Tombigbee               and               Waterway               Wildlife               Mitigation.

    Cosponsored               with               former-Rep.

    Cramer,               Rep               Aderholt,               Senator               Sessions,               Senator               Cochran,               and               President               Obama.

    $951,500               for               Auburn               University               Bioenegry               and               Bioproducts               Laboratory.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.

    Bonner,               Rep               Rogers               and               Senator               Sessions.

    $1,427,250               for               Alternate               Fuel               for               Cement               Processing               in               Alabama.

    $2,854,500               for               Integrated               Distribution               Management               System               in               Alabama.

    Cosponsored               by               Rep.

    Aderholt,               former-Rep.


    $25,000,000               for               Tuscaloosa               Federal               Building.

    $300,000               for               Cahaba               River               National               Wildlife               Refuge--plan               and               design               visitor               center.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $350,000               for               Magnolia               Grove               in               Greensboro,               AL.

    $11,500,000               for               National               Rural               Water               Association.

    Cosponsored               with               64               other               lawmakers.

    $300,000               for               Butler               County               for               water               treatment               facility               upgrades               project.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $550,000               for               City               of               Alexander               City               for               water               transmission               main               extension               project.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $1,000,000               for               City               of               Athens               for               water               transmission               main               extension               project.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $450,000               for               City               of               Opelika               for               water               transmission               main               extension               project.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $1,250,000               for               land               acquisition               for               Alabama               National               Forests.

    $238,000               for               Troy               University               of               Montgomery,               AL,               for               technology               upgrades               including               the               purchase               of               equipment.

    Cosponsored               with               Senator               Sessions.

    $9,515,000               for               University               of               Alabama               in               Tuscaloosa,               Alabama,               for               construction,               renovation               and               equipment.

    $1,900,000               for               Mobile               Regional               Airport.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.

    Bonner               and               Senator               Sessions.

    $950,000               Alabama               Senior               Transportation               Program.

    $285,000               for               Marshall               County,               Alabama,               Vehicle               Replacement               for               Seniors               and               for               the               Mentally               Disabled.

    $3,800,000               for               City               of               Tuscaloosa               Downtown               Revitalization               Project               -University               Blvd               and               Greensboro               Avenue.

    $380,000               for               City               of               Aliceville,               Alabama,               for               downtown               revitalization.

    $760,000               for               City               of               Jasper,               Alabama,               for               Industrial               Park               Development.

    $380,000               for               City               of               Tarrant,               Alabama,               for               streetscaping               and               pedestrian               walkways               to               support               proposed               economic               development               plans.

    $237,500               for               Greater               Trenton               Area               YMCA               in               Trenton,               New               Jersey,               for               construction               of               facilities.

    Cosponsored               with               Rep.


    $285,000               for               Greene               County,               Alabama               Industrial               Board,               for               industrial               park               development.

    According               to               an               analysis               by               the               nonpartisan               Taxpayers               for               Common               Sense,               Senator               Shelby's               $114               Million               in               solo               earmarks               is               the               second               most               in               the               entire               senate,               trailing               last               year's               Appropriations               Committee               chairman               Senator               Bob               Byrd               by               a               little               more               than               $9               Million.

    Senator               Shelby               was               able               to               rack               up               the               $114               Million               with               64               solo               earmarks,               and               to               rack               up               over               $219               Million               in               solo               and               cosponsored               earmarks.

    He               was               ninth               in               the               entire               Senate               at               the               $219               Million               mark               on               125               total               earmarks.

                   HR               1105,               Division               A               -               Agriculture,               Rural               Development,               Food               and               Drug               Administration,               and               Related               Agencies               
                   HR               1105,               Division               B               -               Commerce,               Justice,               Science,               and               Related               Agencies               
                   HR               1105,               Division               C               -               Energy               and               Water               Development               
                   HR               1105,               Division               D               -               Financial               Services               and               General               Government               
                   HR               1105,               Division               E               -               Interior,               Environment,               and               Related               Agencies               
                   HR               1105,               Division               F               -               Labor,               Health               and               Human               Services,               Education,               and               Related               Agencies               
                   HR               1105,               Division               I               -               Transportation,               Housing               and               Urban               Development,               and               Related               Agencies               
                   The               Huffington               Post,               Red               States               Gobble               Up               Omnibus               Earmarks,               Ryan               Grim

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