레이블이 Tuscaloosa County Alabama Sales Tax인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Tuscaloosa County Alabama Sales Tax인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'tuscaloosa sales tax'|Alabama holds its first-ever severe weather sales tax holiday July 6-8

About 'tuscaloosa sales tax'|Alabama holds its first-ever severe weather sales tax holiday July 6-8

Alabama,               like               the               rest               of               the               U.S.,               has               been               severely               affected               by               the               economic               downturn               and               credit               crisis,               resulting               in               a               sharp               drop               in               the               Business               Leaders               Confidence               Index               for               the               1st               quarter               of               2009.

The               state's               manufacturing               sector,               particularly               the               automotive               industry,               has               been               particularly               hard               hit.

But               prior               to               this               crisis,               Alabama               had               been               recognized               for               its               favorable               business               climate               and               had               weathered               the               recession               reasonably               well               through               mid               2008.

The               Alabama               state               government               has               encouraged               businesses               to               locate               their               operations               in               the               state,               make               investments,               and               hire               local               workers               by               promoting               a               favorable               business               climate.


Deter               Zetsche,               Chairman               of               DaimlerChrysler               AG,               recognizes               the               great               support               from               the               State               of               Alabama               in               the               success               of               their               plant               in               Tuscaloosa.

And               Charles               Allen,               Vice               President               of               Business               Operations               for               Boeing,               points               out               the               well-trained               and               educated               workforce,               the               positive               business               environment,               and               the               support               from               state               and               local               officials               as               factors               in               the               success               of               Boeing's               operations               in               the               state.

Hyundai               set               up               its               first               U.S.

manufacturing               plant               in               Montgomery,               Alabama.

With               an               investment               of               $1.4               billion,               it               is               one               of               the               most               advanced               assembly               plants               in               North               America.
               In               its               Survey               of               the               Top               25               State               Business               Climate,               Site               Selection               magazine               ranked               Alabama               as               5th               in               the               country               in               2007.

And               AIDT,               Alabama's               workforce               training               program,               which               is               ISO               9001:2000               certified,               was               ranked               second               in               the               U.S.

in               2007               by               Expansion               Management.

AIDT               provides               job-specific               training,               free               of               charge,               to               new               and               expanding               businesses               throughout               Alabama.
               Alabama               offers               many               industrial               and               commercial               buildings               for               sale               or               lease               throughout               the               state,               and               nearly               600               industrial               parks,               greenfield               sites               and               reusable               property               sites.

Property               taxes               are               among               the               lowest               in               the               country.

And               the               Alabama               Department               of               Environmental               Management               provides               "one-stop"               permitting               for               all               major               federal               and               state               environmental               laws.
               Tax               incentives               for               businesses               in               Alabama               include               a               deduction               for               pollution               control               equipment,               a               15-year               carryforward               for               net               operating               losses,               a               basic               skills               educational               tax               credit,               an               income               tax               credit               for               capital               projects,               and               certain               abatements               on               property               and               sales               taxes.
               When               a               business               is               installed               in               certain               designated               areas               in               Alabama               called               Enterprise               Zones,               or               when               the               business               makes               investments               or               hires               workers               in               these               areas,               it               qualifies               for               special               state               tax               credits.

According               to               the               Alabama               Department               of               Economic               and               Community               Affairs,               Enterprise               Zones               have               been               designated               in               the               cities               of               Birmingham,               Montgomery               and               Prichard,               and               in               various               counties               throughout               the               state.
               Hiring               incentives               in               enterprise               zones               include               a               tax               credit               of               up               to               $2,500               for               each               new               permanent               employee               hired,               and               a               credit               of               $1,000               per               permanent               employee               for               the               cost               of               training               the               employee               in               new               skills.

New               investments               or               improvements               to               existing               facilities               in               an               enterprise               zone               qualify               for               a               tax               credit               of               10%               on               the               first               $10,000,               5%               on               the               next               $90,000,               and               2%               on               the               remaining               investment.
               Businesses               can               also               receive               an               exemption               from               the               Alabama               sales               and               use               tax               on               the               materials               purchased               to               construct               a               new               building               or               to               make               additions               or               improvements               to               an               existing               building,               and               on               machinery               and               equipment               used               in               the               enterprise               zone.
               Alabama's               future               economic               development,               beyond               the               current               economic               crisis,               may               depend               partially               on               the               fate               of               the               automotive               industry               and               developments               in               aerospace               and               biotechnology,               in               which               Alabama               is               an               innovative               leader.

But               the               infrastructure               and               incentives               Alabama               has               established               to               promote               its               business               climate               should               encourage               investment               and               employment               and               contribute               to               stimulating               business               activity               in               the               state.
               Alabama               Business               Climate               -               Alabama               State               Government
               Alabama               Enterprise               Zone               Program               -               Escambia               County               Industrial               Development               Authority
               Enterprise               Zone               Program               -               Alabama               Department               of               Economic               and               Community               Affairs
               State               Enterprise               Zones               -               Economic               Development               Partnership               Alabama
               Tax               Incentives               for               Industry               -               Alabama               Department               of               Revenue

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