레이블이 Tuscaloosa Train Schedule인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Tuscaloosa Train Schedule인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'tuscaloosa train station'|LOST LOVE LETTERS

About 'tuscaloosa train station'|LOST LOVE LETTERS

The               likelihood               of               another               hurricane               like               Rita               showing               itself               in               the               gulf               again               is               like               asking               if               the               sun               will               rise               in               the               morning.

It's               just               a               matter               of               time.

As               I               sit               under               the               shade               tree,               sipping               my               iced               tea               with               the               scent               of               cut               grass               and               jasmine               in               the               air               reality               slams               into               focus               just               as               hard               as               those               sister               storms               did               two               years               ago.

Though               much               has               been               accomplished               in               the               clean               up,               there               is               still               so               much               left               to               be               done.

FEMA,               like               a               well               intentioned,               unwanted               house               guest,               has               seemingly               moved               into               what               used               to               be               my               spare               bedroom               and               all               I               long               for               is               the               calming               solitude               of               a               normal               life.

I               remember               watching               the               television               in               August               2005               as               if               it               were               yesterday.

Ashamedly               thankful               that               I               wasn't               in               New               Orleans               but               wanting               to               do               something,               anything               to               help               those               poor               people               affected               by               Hurricane               Katrina.

Katrina,               listed               in               the               top               10               most               intense               hurricanes,               is               ranked               6th               in               intensity               at               902               mbar.
               Our               local               newspaper,               The               Beauregard               Daily               News,               reported               that               many               evacuees               from               New               Orleans               had               found               safety               and               a               bit               of               refuge               at               our               local               VFW.

My               mind               was               set.

I               didn't               have               money               to               give               but               I               did               have               things               that               I               no               longer               needed               for               my               own               5               children.

I               went               through               the               storage               shed               like               a               woman               on               a               mission.

I               had               to               do               something.

Thinking               only               as               a               mother               could               think,               I               retrieved               items               from               our               storage               that,               for               some               unknown               reason,               I               had               hoarded               like               gold.
               Two               baby               car               seats,               a               bouncy               chair,               a               saucer               play               seat,               extra               baby               blankets,               clothes,               and               toys               were               set               in               the               yard               and               meticulously               cleaned               and               sanitized               then               placed               in               the               family               van               to               be               taken               to               the               VFW.

I               donated               these               items               without               another               thought               and               walked               away.

I               did               what               I               could.
               Three               weeks               later               I               watched               in               utter               amazement               as               Hurricane               Rita,               also               listed               in               the               top               10               hurricanes               and               ranked               4th               in               intensity               at               895               mbar,               tracked               a               path               toward               my               backdoor,               literally.

Mandatory               evacuations               had               been               ordered               for               the               gulf               coast               from               Florida               to               Texas.

Our               city               of               DeRidder               is               farther               inland               and               only               mobile               homes               were               given               the               mandatory               order.

Deciding               it               better               for               my               family               of               7               to               batten               down               the               hatches               and               dig               in               rather               than               to               be               exposed               to               the               elements               and               a               burden               on               an               already               stressed               relief               system,               we               stayed               in               our               home.
               My               husband,               Al,               had               just               returned               from               a               military               duty               assignment.

He               and               my               3               older               sons,               Alan,               Willis               and               Daniel               spent               3               days               leading               up               to               the               storm               covering               windows,               bracing               the               house,               filling               trash               cans               and               any               other               containers               with               water,               obtaining               propane               for               our               grill               and               purchasing               gas               for               our               generator.

They               even               took               250               feet               of               cable               and               completely               wrapped               my               house.

This               was               Al's               way               of               calming               my               fears               that               my               house               wouldn't               be               rendered               to               a               giant               jewelry               box.

After               the               preparations               on               our               house               they               repeated               many               of               the               preventative               measures               on               our               rental               house               which               is               on               the               same               street.

My               daughter,               Shannon,               kept               her               younger               brother,               Joshua,               occupied               while               I               arranged               our               rations               of               food               and               water               and               listened               for               up               to               date               reports               from               our               local               television               station,               KPLC.

My               husband               kept               in               contact               with               his               reserve               unit               in               Lafayette               and               KPLC               via               the               internet               by               using               his               laptop               computer.

The               family               circled               around               him               in               our               school               room               as               he               wrote               and               e-mailed               the               following               situation               report:
               Situation               Brief:               Speirs               Home               Front               DeRidder               As               of               2100               HR               local               22               Sept               05
               S-2               reports:               sensitive               items               are               all               accounted               &               secured               according               SOP,               continuing               to               receive               intel
               from               higher               (KPLCTV)               &               relaying               intel               to               OPS               center
               S-3               reports:
               Mission:               Prepare               for               assault               by               forces               known               as               "Hurricane               Rita"               take               all               actions               to               hold
               ground               and               survive               main               assault
               7               persons               assigned,               all               accounted               for
               Morale:               High
               Strength:               High
               Shelter               has               been               reinforced               -               all               windows               boarded,               most               exposed               face               of               shelter               strongly               reinforced,               250               feet               of               steel               cable               securing               roof               to               main               structure,               16               each               8               ft.

10               inch               telephone               poles               reinforcing               perimeter               of               structure,               shelter               has               been               policed               for               all               unsecured               items
               S-4               Reports:
               2               plus               weeks               of               food               on               hand,               2               plus               weeks               of               life               support               on               hand,               generator               fully               operational               and               standing               by,               continuing               supply               and               resupply               Ops               until               opposing               forces               attempt               main               assault
               Commo               Reports:
               Currently               functional               standing               by               with               local               unsecured               FM,               CB,               Cell               and               E-mail
               Motor               Pool               reports:
               2               vehicles               dispatched,               topped               off,               fully               functional               and               standing               by
               Will               continue               to               reinforce               position               until               latest               possible               time
               Wife               Reports:               Husband               has               been               out               in               the               sun               to               long!
               Our               levity               was               brief               as               the               wind               gusts               began               and               became               more               sustained.

We               had               worked               so               hard               that               when               the               storm               actually               began               creeping               into               the               city,               exhaustion               set               in               and               sleep               overcame               us.
               I               can't               say               that               I               remember               much               other               than               the               odd               void               left               by               the               howling               wind               and               the               occasional               sound               of               breaking               branches.

I               remember               a               loud               earth               shuddering               crash               as               a               tree               uprooted               15               feet               from               the               back               of               the               house.

I               remember               waking               but               not               being               able               to               open               my               eyes               before               sleep               seemed               to               grab               me               and               pull               me               back               down               onto               the               pillow,               oblivious               of               Rita's               thrashing               outside.

I'm               not               sure               if               we               had               worked               ourselves               to               that               edge               of               exhaustion               when               your               body's               controls               are               on               automatic               or               if               God's               angels               caused               us               to               sleep               so               deeply               and               soundly               in               spite               of               the               storm's               raging.

I'd               like               to               think               it               was               the               latter.
               We               woke               the               next               morning               to               the               sound               of               the               wind,               not               as               strong               as               the               night               before,               but               definitely               still               blowing.

The               humidity               had               risen               and               the               inside               of               our               boarded               home               was               suffocatingly               warm.

Al               went               to               the               front               door               and               opened               it               just               slightly               to               survey               the               damage.

Stepping               out               onto               the               porch,               the               wind               was               cool               and               the               rain               light.

I               stood               there               thinking               gratefully,               "We're               still               here."
               Many               trees               were               down,               others               were               precariously               leaning               and               still               there               were               others               that               stood               like               giant               tees               on               a               golf               course               having               all               their               branches               stripped               from               them.

I               watched               the               ground               heave               at               the               base               of               the               tree               in               the               front               yard               with               every               new               gust               of               wind               as               if               it               were               alive               and               breathing.

I               wondered               how               long               it               would               take               until               it               toppled               over.
               We               lost               power               around               10:00               during               the               night               but               thankfully               our               water               and               telephone               service               remained               active.

We               were               able               to               contact               friends,               family               and               co-workers               and               let               them               know               of               our               safety               and               being               able               to               shower               and               use               the               toilet               during               this               time               was               a               blessing.
               The               boys               began               the               task               of               starting               the               generator               and               running               the               extension               cords               for               our               refrigerator               and               fans,               and               then               turned               on               the               TV               and               DVD               player               for               a               little               entertainment               in               all               of               this.

Before               I               knew               it,               all               the               neighborhood               children               were               sitting               in               my               living               room               watching               Finding               Nemo,               The               Little               Mermaid,               and               Star               Wars               and               I               was               popping               popcorn               in               the               microwave               and               making               Kool-aid               for               all               of               our               guests.

Having               just               a               minute               form               of               normalcy               with               the               children               made               it               bearable.
               We               spent               the               days               following               the               hurricane               picking               up               branches               and               limbs               in               the               sweltering               heat.

Keeping               busy               with               the               clean-up               of               the               debris               kept               me               sane.

I               kept               the               thought               running               through               my               mind,               "Don't               think               about               it.

Just               do......"               We               just               kept               moving.

Once               the               immediate               debris               had               been               taken               care               of               for               one               neighbor               or               friend,               we'd               move               on               to               the               next               one.
               My               grandmother               lives               in               a               town               south               of               DeRidder               called               Singer.

She               had               evacuated               with               my               Aunt.

I               convinced               my               husband               to               take               me               to               check               on               her               house.

We               attempted               to               drive               there               on               the               first               day               following               the               storm               but               didn't               make               much               progress.

Highway               27               was               impassable               due               to               all               the               trees               and               power               lines               that               had               fallen               across               the               road.

It               was               2               days               before               we               were               allowed               access.

When               the               road               finally               opened               to               travel               south,               we               drove               the               16               miles               to               my               grandmother's               house.

We               counted               52               downed               trees               that               had               been               cut               to               clear               the               road.

I               truly               expected               to               see               a               bare               spot               where               the               home               has               been               for               150               years               but               to               my               surprise               it               was               there.

The               tin               roof               had               been,               like               most               others,               peeled               off               and               the               tin               was               scattered               throughout               the               yard               and               woods.

Some               of               the               trees               that               lined               the               drive               had               been               topped               by               the               fierce               winds               and               now               blocked               our               way.

We               parked               the               van               by               the               highway               and               moved               the               limbs               and               debris               so               that               we               could               drive               closer               to               the               house.
               Once               inside               I               checked               the               power,               telephone,               and               water.

Like               my               own               home,               there               was               water               and               telephone               service               but               no               power.

I               began               the               task               of               clearing               the               refrigerator               and               freezer               of               its               contents,               while               Al               and               my               eldest               son,               Alan,               lifted               the               small               deep               freeze               into               the               back               of               the               van.

I               called               my               mother               who               was               watching               the               situation               on               the               news               from               Alabama               to               let               her               know               the               old               house               was               still               standing.

Two               days               later               she               and               my               brother               arrived               from               Tuscaloosa               to               aid               in               the               clean-up               and               bring               in               much               needed               supplies.
               There               was               no               relief               from               the               terrible               heat               during               the               day               nor               was               there               any               relief               at               night.

It               was               like               living               inside               a               giant               sauna.

We               began               and               ended               each               day               with               a               welcomed               cold               shower.

When               we               were               not               working               on               clearing               debris,               we               would               huddle               in               front               of               fans               and               practically               bathe               in               Skin-So-Soft               to               stave               off               the               mosquitoes               that               seemed               to               have               tripled               in               size.
               Our               little               community               pulled               together               to               help               each               other               with               what               we               could.

Although               the               phone               lines               are               routed               to               the               same               box,               our               phone               seemed               to               be               the               only               one               working               and               soon               became               the               "community               telephone".

It               was               used               on               a               daily               basis               by               friends               and               neighbors               to               check               the               status               of               their               own               homes               and               friends               and               family               that               had               chosen               to               stay               behind               and               ride               out               the               storm.

Al               sent               follow               up               e-mail               to               his               unit:
               SIT               REP:               we               are               all               fine
               MISSION:               ACCOMPLISHED
               HAVING               SURVIVED               AND               REPELLED               FORCES               KNOWN               AS               "hurricane               Rita"               CURRENTLY               CONDUCTING               ACTIONS               IN               THE               DEFENSE               RECONSOLIDATING               AND               REORGANIZING.
               Situation               Brief:               Speirs               Home               front               DeRidder               as               of               1800               HR               local               24               Sept               05
               7               persons               assigned
               7               persons               accounted               for
               Morale:               High
               Strength:               High
               Shelter               has               survived               with               little               to               no               major               damage--               all               reinforcements               have               held
               Will               continue               to               reinforce               position;               Request               all               parties               attempting               to               reach               this               position               be               capable               of               returning               without               refueling;               All               local               supplies               have               been               exhausted.

Will               send               out               patrol               to               recon               surrounding               area               for               additional               supplies.
               As               local               commander               I               am               happy               to               report               this               mission               could               not               have               been               accomplished               to               the               degree               it               has               been               without               the               outstanding               performance               of               the               men               and               women               of               this               team.
               TEAM               HOOOO               HAAAA!!!
               Wife               Reports:               Husband               is               water               logged!
               We               remained               without               electrical               power               for               about               10               days               but               our               water               and               telephone               never               faltered.

My               mother               and               brother,               who               had               come               in               from               Tuscaloosa,               Alabama,               stayed               at               my               grandmother's               house               in               Singer.

They               were               without               power               for               15               days.

We               would               sit               on               Ma-ma's               porch               after               working               all               day               clearing               debris,               watching               the               power               company's               repair               crews               travel               here               and               there               wondering,               "when               would               it               be               our               turn?"               It               didn't               take               long               for               that               question               to               be               answered.

After               returning               to               our               home               in               DeRidder,               we               were               beckoned               outside               by               the               cheering               shouts               of               gratitude               as               the               power               was               restored               street               by               street.

It               is               something               I'll               never               forget.
               While               the               power               company               continued               to               restore               the               grid,               waste               management               began               the               enormous               task               of               picking               up               the               garbage               which               included               deep               freezers               from               all               of               the               households               that               weren't               blessed               with               the               use               of               a               generator.

The               freezers               that               had               been               without               power               for               a               week               or               more,               were               contaminated               with               rotting               meat               and               food.

This               stench               of               death               permeated               the               city               for               many               days.
               Fast               forward               to               2007.

You'll               still               see               Rita's               influence               on               the               lives               of               people               in               our               city.

The               blue               tarps               still               draped               over               many               homes               and               roofing               companies               overburdened               with               work               are               a               constant.

FEMA               trailers               in               some               areas               have               been               replaced               with               new               homes,               while               others               seem               to               have               been               forgotten.

The               quagmire               of               the               Louisiana               Road               Home               Program               continues               to               trudge               through               miles               and               miles               of               red               tape               while               many               become               disheartened               and               a               nation               tires               of               the               seemingly               endless               need.
               And               yet,               there               is               hope.

Hope               for               a               future               that               is               bright.

Hope               that               the               light               at               the               end               of               the               tunnel               is               NOT               an               oncoming               train.

Image of tuscaloosa train station

tuscaloosa train station
tuscaloosa train station

tuscaloosa train station Image 1

tuscaloosa train station
tuscaloosa train station

tuscaloosa train station Image 2

tuscaloosa train station
tuscaloosa train station

tuscaloosa train station Image 3

tuscaloosa train station
tuscaloosa train station

tuscaloosa train station Image 4

tuscaloosa train station
tuscaloosa train station

tuscaloosa train station Image 5

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