2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'fun things to do in tuscaloosa al'|So what's up in 2010

About 'fun things to do in tuscaloosa al'|So what's up in 2010

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fun things to do in tuscaloosa al
fun things to do in tuscaloosa al

fun things to do in tuscaloosa al Image 1

fun things to do in tuscaloosa al
fun things to do in tuscaloosa al

fun things to do in tuscaloosa al Image 2

fun things to do in tuscaloosa al
fun things to do in tuscaloosa al

fun things to do in tuscaloosa al Image 3

fun things to do in tuscaloosa al
fun things to do in tuscaloosa al

fun things to do in tuscaloosa al Image 4

fun things to do in tuscaloosa al
fun things to do in tuscaloosa al

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    fun things to do in tuscaloosa al

    About 'rise tuscaloosa'|Tuscaloosa Tornado

    About 'rise tuscaloosa'|Tuscaloosa Tornado

    With               Mike               Huckabee               and               Donald               Trump               announcing               they               are               not               running,               many               are               going               to               start               to               question               if               the               Republicans               have               a               strong               and               viable               candidate               who               can               go               head               to               head               with               President               Barack               Obama               in               the               2012               presidential               election.

    Despite               poor               economic               data               and               overall               poor               polling               numbers               throughout               the               tenure               of               his               presidency,               Obama's               number               have               been               on               the               rise               since               the               capturing               and               killing               of               Osama               bin               Laden.

    His               support               in               drastic               damage               lifted               areas               such               as               those               affected               by               the               Mississippi               flood               and               the               Tuscaloosa,               Ala.,               tornado               combined               with               his               new               bill               of               offshore               drilling               to               help               end               the               need               on               international               oil               is               garnishing               Obama               more               positive               ratings               against               the               misgivings               the               first               two               years               of               office               have               brought.
                   The               Republican               Party               is               now               left               with               the               challenge               of               finding               a               strong               candidate               to               run               against               the               president               a               few               months               ago               they               thought               that               might               be               able               to               win               against.

    Newt               Gingrich,               Herman               Cain               and               Tim               Pawlenty               are               the               three               strongest               confirmed               candidates               running               for               the               Republican               primary;               however,               the               question               is               whether               not               they               will               be               able               to               be               a               candidate               strong               enough               to               beat               president               Obama.
                   Newt               Gingrich               recently               released               a               statement               from               Twitter               announcing               that               he               would               run               for               presidency               under               the               Republican               Party.

    This               announcement               left               many               questioning               whether               or               not               they               would               want               a               candidate               of               his               age               and               doubting               his               ability               to               run               the               country               due               to               his               experience               and               lifestyle.

    Further               on,               both               Tim               Pawlenty               and               Newt               Gingrich               lack               the               name               recognition               that               former               potential               Republican               candidates               Donald               Trump               and               Mike               Huckabee               have.
                   As               former               Minnesota               governor,               Tim               Pawlenty               will               have               to               overcome               the               criticism               and               stigma               the               new               Minnesota               governor               has               issued               over               the               state's               deficit               budget               during               and               after               Pawlenty's               term.

    In               light               of               the               present               economic               downturn,               this               could               stand               out               harshly               against               the               background               this               presidential               candidate               as               it               could               lead               people               to               question               whether               or               not               he               could               lead               the               American               people               out               of               the               worst               economic               downturn               in               history.
                   Cain               has               maintained               a               nice               following               on               social               media               sites               and               has               garnished               a               name               on               for               himself               on               many               on               his               issues;               however,               by               many               political               Republicans               he               is               seen               as               a               lower               tier               candidate.

    He               might               be               able               to               over               the               general               public,               but               he               has               to               face               the               Republican               Party               --               a               challenge               that               could               take               some               strength               away               from               him               and               leave               him               without               a               Republican               primary               victory.
                   The               real               question               that               is               left               unanswered               is               if               the               Republican               Party               will               have               a               candidate               strong               enough               to               withstand               the               new               support               Obama               is               receiving.

    Will               they               be               able               to               get               a               successful               candidate               as               the               2012               candidate?

    The               public               will               just               have               to               wait               and               see.
                   Sources:               John               Lantigue.

    "Obama's               Bin               Laden               boost:               Blip               in               popularity               polls               or               long-term               confidence               booster?"               

    Dayton               Harshly               Criticizes               Pawlenty's               Economy."               kaaltv.com


    "2012               Candidates               Enter               the               Digital               World."               new.yahoo.com
                   "Tier               talk:               Pundits               predict               the               primary"               newhampshire.com

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    rise tuscaloosa

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    rise tuscaloosa

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    rise tuscaloosa
    rise tuscaloosa

    rise tuscaloosa Image 4

    rise tuscaloosa
    rise tuscaloosa

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    About 'the summit tuscaloosa'|The 130th Pennsylvania

    About 'the summit tuscaloosa'|The 130th Pennsylvania

    John               Akii-Bua               broke               the               400               meters-hurdles               world               record               on               September               2,               1972               at               the               Olympic               Games               held               in               Munich               in               West               Germany,               in               the               finals               crossing               the               tape               in               47.82               seconds.

    This               was               astounding               because               he               was               running               in               the               "tight"               inside               first               lane               that               obligates               runners               to               move               slower               in               smaller               strides               than               runners               in               the               rest               of               the               lanes               whose               circumferences               are               progressively               less               angular               and               sharper,               therefore               easier               to               traverse.

    The               400mh               is               considered               to               be               the               most               trying               track               event:               it               involves               combining               skill,               timing,               strength,               and               stamina.

    Because               during               that               and               preceding               eras               native               African               hurdlers               were               not               expected               to               perform               so               astonishingly               well,               many               are               still               (erroneously)               transfixed               into               thinking               that               Akii-Bua               was               the               first               African               Olympic               gold               medalist.

    Akii-Bua               is               Uganda's               greatest               athlete.

    Given               Akii-Bua's               African               background               and               superb               performance,               plus               his               celebratory               antics               right               after               his               win,               John               Akii-Bua               became               the               1972               Olympics'               highlight.

    Akii's               showboating               included               his               continuing               to               run               and               hurdle               for               30               meters               past               the               finish-line,               his               glowingly               smiling               and               waving               to               admirers               in               the               audience               while               jumping               over               imaginary               hurdles,               his               receiving               a               Uganda               flag               from               a               spectator               and               waving               it               as               he               became               the               inventor               of               the               now               legendary               "victory               lap."               Akii-Bua's               performances               have               continuously               inspired               many               hurdlers               of               African               descent               to               greatness,               and               they               include               Edwin               Moses,               Samuel               Matete,               and               Amadou               Dia               Ba.

    Zambian               400               meters-hurdles               legend               Samuel               Matete               was               born               on               July               27,               1968               in               Chingola               in               Zambia.

    Samuel               Matete               is               notably               one               of               the               world's               foremost               400               meters               hurdlers               of               all               time.

    For               young               Matete,               legendary               Uganda               hurdler               John               Akii-Bua               was               his               foremost               sports               idol.

    Matete               still               holds               the               African               record               of               47.10               seconds               in               the               400mh               event,               one               he               set               in               the               German               city               of               Zurich               on               August               7,               1991.

    At               this               Weltklasse               Zurich               (World               Class               Zurich),               an               annual               athletics               meeting               in               Switzerland               which               is               part               of               the               IAAF               Golden               League,               and               is               sometimes               referred               to               as               the               One-Day               Olympics,               Matete               undeniably               made               his               most               memorable               athletics               mark.

    In               his               home               country,               Matete               originally               trained               under               rudimentary               conditions,               including               setting               up               handcrafted               wooden               hurdles.

    Only               three               other               people,               all               from               the               USA,               have               officially               ever               ran               faster               personal               bests               than               Samuel               Matete.

    These               are:               Bryan               Bronson               in               47.03               seconds               (set               in               New               Orleans               in               Louisiana               on               June               21,               1998),               Edwin               Moses               in               47.02               seconds               (set               in               Koblenz               in               Germany               on               August               31,               1983),               and               Kevin               Young               in               an               astounding               world               record               and               so               far               the               only               official               time               below               47               seconds,               of               46.78               seconds               (on               August               6,               1992               in               Barcelona,               at               the               Olympic               Games,               in               the               finals).
                   The               only               other               Africa               runners               with               faster               personal               bests               than               Akii-Bua               are               El               Hadj               Amadou               Dia               Ba               of               Senegal.

    He               ran               the               intermediate               hurdles               in               47.23               seconds               at               the               Olympics               of               1988               that               were               held               in               Seoul               in               South               Korea.

    Here,               aged               29,               Dia               Ba               was               in               the               finals               beaten               to               second               place               by               29               year-old               American               Andre               Phillips               (47.19s,               an               Olympic               record),               and               aging               33               year-old               world               record               holder               Edwin               Corley               Moses               settled               for               the               bronze               in               a               time               of               47.56               seconds.

    The               performance               in               this               Olympic               final               was               astounding:               Andre               Phillips               established               an               Olympic               record               and               Edwin               Moses               (despite               his               bronze               medal               placing)               had               ran               faster               than               he               had               at               two               previous               Olympics               at               which               he               had               won               gold!

    Courtesy               of               Dia               Ba,               this               final               evidenced               the               breaking               of               Akii-Bua's               intermediate               hurdles'               African               record.

    In               addition               to               Samuel               Matete,               the               only               other               Africa               runner               with               a               personal-best               timing               faster               than               Akii-Bua's               is               Llewellyn               George               Herbert               of               South               Africa               with               a               timing               of               47.81s               in               a               third               place               bronze-medal               finish               in               the               Finals               at               the               Olympics               of               2000               that               were               held               in               Sydney.
                   In               1964               John               Akii-Bua,               a               15               year-old               with               an               elementary               academic               education,               left               school.

    For               the               next               two               years               Akii               settled               on               helping               shepherd               his               big               family's               120-herd               of               cattle.

    Akii               had               long               learned               how               to               milk               and               how               to               employ               the               cattle               to               plow.

    Akii               tells               Kenny               Moore               in               implying               that               as               a               youth               he               grew               up               to               be               a               tough               and               athletic               herdsboy:               "I               milked               them               [cattle],               I               plowed               with               them,               everything.

    In               1956,               when               I               was               very               young,               lions               took               sheep               and               goats               from               our               farm,               even               cattle.

    But               none               came               when               I               tended               them.

    I               did               have               a               close               look               at               some               very               big               pythons.

    And               we               have               wild               monkeys.

    They               can               tease               you               and               throw               things.

    They               make               you               run               away"               (Sports               Illustrated":               'A               Play               of               Light',               November               20,               1972).
                   Akii's               devotion               to               family               labor               duties               became               even               the               more               significant               because               his               father--county               Chief               Bua,               a               prominent               county               administrator,               died               in               1965.

    Akii               was               only               16               years               old               then,               and               he               estimated               that               at               the               time               of               his               father's               demise,               he               was               one               among               forty-four               siblings               (16               sisters               and               27               brothers).

    Akii's               father               had               five               wives,               but               had               earlier               on               divorced               three.

    The               family,               which               dwelled               in               the               same               compound,               was               semi-nomadic               in               sociodemographic               character,               occasionally               moving               from               county               to               county.

    Akii-Bua               is               listed               as               born               on               December               3,               1949               (to               mother               Imat               Solome               Bua)               in               Abako               sub-county               village               in               Moroto               County               in               Lango               District               in               Uganda.

    Among               the               other               areas               the               family               settled               in               and               out               of               were               Dokolo,               Kwania,               and               Oyam.

    The               common               listing               of               Akii-Bua's               birth               seems               to               be               fairly               accurate,               but               some               of               his               family               implies               that               he               was               born               earlier               than               1949.

    In               the               Uganda               newspaper               "Observer,"               the               article               "John               Akii-Bua               is               A               Forgotten               Hero"               dated               March               28               2010,               Denis               H.Obua               implies               that               Akii-Bua               was               born               three               or               four               years               earlier               than               1949.

    Suffice               it               to               say.

    not               many               decades               ago,               dates               of               birth               of               many               African               children               were               not               recorded               or               remembered.
                   Soon               after               Akii's               father               died,               one               of               Akii's               older               brothers               picked               himself               to               be               a               cashier               in               his               bar.

    He               was               the               cashier               until               he               joined               the               police               in               1966.

    Akii               passed               his               basic               police               training               in               1967.

    Before               joining               the               Uganda               police,               Akii's               only               memory               of               athletic               competition               was               domestic:               his               father               would               set               up               basic               group-age               sibling               competitions               over               various               distances               for               trophies               of               candy               (sweets).

    Akii               tells               Kenny               Moore,               "I               don't               think               I               ever               won.

    I               had               to               beg               sweets               from               my               brothers"               ("Sports               Illustrated":               'A               Play               of               Light',               November               20,               1972).
                   Along               with               being               introduced               to               active               competition,               Akii               became               inspired               by               Uganda               athletes               Ogwang,               Etolu,               and               Opaka.

    Lawrence               Ogwang               (born               in               November               1932)               is               recognized               as               Uganda's               first               major               competitive               athlete;               he               represented               Uganda               at               the               Olympics               of               1956               that               were               held               in               Melbourne               in               Australia               and               took               20th               place               in               the               triple               jump               (14.72m),               and               eliminated               in               the               earlier               rounds               in               the               long               jump               after               being               27th               with               a               jump               of               6.62m.

    Lawrence               Ogwang               is               a               relative               of               Akii-Bua               and               he               is               sometimes               listed               as               his               brother.
                   High-jumper               Patrick               Etolu,               born               in               Soroti               District               on               March               17,               1935               is               notable               for               finishing               second               at               the               1954               British               Empire               Commonwealth               Games,               fourth               in               the               same               event               and               Games               in               1958,               and               ninth               in               the               same               event               and               Games               in               1962.

    In               the               summer               Olympic               Games               of               1956               held               in               Melbourne,               Patrick               Etolu               emerged               12th               with               a               jumping               height               of               1.96               meters.

    Tito               Opaka               was               a               high-hurdler.
                   Akii               started               running               competitively               when               he               joined               the               police.

    The               window               into               his               athletic               potential               was               initially               shaped               by               the               police               drill               which               routinely               started               at               5:30am               with               physical               training               and               three               miles               of               cross-country               running.

    Akii's               stretching               flexibility               was               notable,               the               cause               for               his               selection               into               high-hurdling.

    Uganda's               Jerom               (Jerome,               Jorem?)               Ochana,               a               superior               policeman               and               Africa's               440               yard-hurdles               record               holder,               was               conveniently               there               to               train               Akii.

    One               of               the               coaching               ordeals               involved               Ochana               placing               a               high-jump               bar               a               couple               of               feet               above               the               hurdle               to               shape               Akii               into               learning               to               keep               his               head               and               body               low.

    Akii               recounts               the               ordeal               to               Kenny               Moore:               "Can               you               see               this               scar               on               my               forehead?

    Ochana...made               me               listen.

    I               used               to               bleed               a               lot               in               our               exercises,               knocking               the               hurdles               with               my               knees               and               ankles,               keeping               my               head               down"               ("Sports               Illustrated":               'A               Play               of               Light',               November               20,               1972).
                   In               the               first               week               of               November               1962,               at               a               track               meet               in               Colombo,               Ceylon               (Sri               Lanka),               a               tune-up               for               the               forthcoming               British               Empire               Commonwealth               Games               to               soon               be               held               in               Perth               in               Australia,               Ochana               secured               the               440               yard-hurdles               victory               in               52.3               seconds.

    Ochana               went               on               to               win               in               the               same               event               at               the               East               and               Central               African               Championships               that               were               held               in               the               city               of               Kisumu               in               Kenya.

    Ochana               was               in               Tokyo               in               1964               for               the               Olympics.

    In               the               third               of               five               first               round               heats               that               allowed               the               three               top               finishers               and               next               one               fastest               to               advance               to               the               semi-final               round,               29               year-old               Ochana               was               eliminated               when               he               finished               4th               in               52.4               seconds,               on               October               14th.

    In               the               end,               Ochana               achieved               a               19th               overall               ranking.
                   John               Akii-Bua,               soon               after               winning               in               four               police               championship               events               in               1967,               became               significantly               recognized               and               was               thereafter               placed               under               Briton               Malcolm               Arnold               the               new               national               coach.

    Akii               still               holds               Uganda's               decathlon               record               of               6933               points               set               in               1971               in               Kampala.

    Starting               from               the               mid-1970's,               less               and               less               attention,               and               fewer               and               fewer               resources               were               allotted               to               the               development               of               field               events               in               Uganda.

    The               presence               of               Ugandan               decathlon               athletes               waned.
                   Akii               won               in               the               110               meters-hurdles               finals               at               the               East               and               Central               African               Championships               (an               annual               event               originally               primarily               involving               track               and               field               stars               from               Uganda,               Kenya,               Tanzania               and               Zambia)               held               in               Kampala               in               1969.

    William               (Bill)               Koskei,               a               native               of               Kenya,               originally               competing               for               Uganda,               won               the               400               meters-hurdles               gold               in               a               time               of               51.4               seconds.

    Koskei's               athletics               career               will               forever               be               associated               with               Akii-Bua's.

    With               the               influence               of               the               coach               Malcolm               Arnold,               Akii-Bua               became               convinced               that               he               would               reap               more               rewards               as               a               400               meters-hurdler.

    It               was               at               these               East               and               Central               African               Championships               that               both               Akii-Bua               and               Koskei               first               displayed               international               competence.
                   In               1972,               the               same               Championships               held               in               the               Tanzania               capital               Dar-es-Salaam,               Koskei               this               time               running               for               his               native               Kenya,               again               won               in               the               400               meters-hurdles               in               50.7               seconds.

    By               this               time,               Somalia               and               Ethiopia               had               enlisted               their               athletes               in               the               Championships.

    In               1977,               the               same               Championships               held               in               Somalia               capital               Mogadishu,               William               Koskei               now               nearly               30               years               of               age,               again               won               the               gold               in               the               400m               hurdles,               after               hitting               the               tape               in               50.6               seconds.

    Koskei               proved               that               he               had               maintained               stability               in               his               athletics               career.
                   It               is               as               a               Uganda               runner,               that               William               Koskei               is               remembered               for               his               most               prestigious               individual               international               stint:               the               silver               medal               he               won               in               the               400m               hurdles               at               the               British               Commonwealth               Games               held               in               Edinburgh               in               Scotland               from               16th               to               25th               July               1970.

    Koskei               won               in               the               third               heat               of               the               first               round,               in               a               time               of               51.37               seconds.

    Next               came               the               semi-finals.

    Koskei               comfortably               won               in               51.39               seconds,               Kenya's               Charles               Kipkemboi               Yego               coming               in               second               in               this               semi-final               in               51.73               seconds.

    In               the               finals,               John               Sherwood               of               England               won               in               50.03               seconds,               Koskei               came               in               second               in               50.15               seconds,               Kenyan               Charles               Kipkemboi               Yego               came               in               third               in               50.19               seconds.

    Akii-Bua               struggled               with               a               back               strain               and               hernia               injury,               was               trailing               last               at               the               final               100               meters,               but               still               raced               in               fast               to               come               in               fourth               in               51.14               seconds.
                   In               1970,               Bill               Koskei               of               Uganda               became               ranked               7th               among               men               400               meters               hurdles               runners               in               the               All-Time               World               Rankings               behind               hurdlers               from               rank               1-7               respectively:               Jean-Claude               Nallet               (France),               Ralph               Mann               (USA),               Wayne               Collett               (USA),               Ari               Salin               (Finland),               John               Sherwood               (Great               Britain),               and               Charles               Kipkemboi               Yego               (Kenya).

    The               year               1970               would               be               the               only               one               that               Koskei               would               be               ranked               among               the               top               ten               in               the               world               among               the               All-Time               World               Rankings.

    However,               "Track               and               Field               News"               ranked               Kenya's               Koskei               as               10th               in               the               world               in               1973,               and               9th               in               1974.

    Akii-Bua               was               not               in               the               top-10               All-Time               World               Rankings               of               1970.

    But               in               just               the               following               year,               he               became               ranked               third               behind               Ralph               Mann               and               Jean-Claude               Nallet.

    In               1972               and               1973,               his               leading               world               performances               placed               Akii               comfortably               at               no.1.

    Akii               was               less               active               and               prominent               in               1974               whereby               he               became               ranked               no.8.

    But               Akii               resurged               to               no.

    2               in               1975,               behind               Alan               Pascoe               of               Great               Britain               and               ahead               of               Jim               Bolding               (USA)               and               Ralph               Mann.
                   The               year               1976,               an               Olympic               year               saw               many               countries,               including               Uganda,               boycott               the               Olympics.

    The               showdown               between               Edwin               Moses               (who               would               break               Akii-Bua's               World               record)               and               Akii               had               been               excitingly               looked               forward               to.

    But               it               did               not               happen!

    American               Edwin               Moses,               a               college               student               and               recent               convert               to               the               hurdles               skyrocketed               to               the               no.1               rank,               followed               by               Mike               Shine               and               Jim               Bolding               (both               of               the               USA),               Alan               Pascoe,               followed               by               Akii               ranked               no.5.
                   At               a               track               meet               held               in               Dusseldorf               in               West               Germany,               in               June               1976,               Akii               won               in               the               400               meters-flat,               in               a               personal               best               time               of               45.82               seconds,               beating               upcoming               Olympic               relay               bronze-medalist               German               Franz-Peter               Hofmeister               (46.39s)               into               second               place,               and               European               record-holder               and               Olympic               finalist               Karl               Honz               (West               Germany)               fading               into               third               place.

    Only               a               couple               of               months               before               Montreal               1976,               this               was               Akii's               most               profound               pre-Olympic               display               of               evidence               that               he               was               very               much               in               contention               for               another               Olympic               medal.

    This               would               be               the               year               that               Akii-Bua               would               last               be               on               the               top-10               All-Time               World               Rankings.
                   In               1972               the               performance               of               Commonwealth               Games'               silver               medalist               William               Koskei               (who               had               formerly               ran               for               Uganda),               at               the               summer               Olympics               held               in               Munich               in               West               Germany               from               August               26,               1972               to               September               11,               1972,               was               very               much               looked               forward               to.

    Although               not               ranked               among               the               World's               top               ten               400               meters-hurdlers               in               1971               or               even               1972,               Koskei               was               still               regarded               as               an               Olympic               medal               hope.

    Koskei,               together               with               Akii-Bua               of               Uganda               reigned               as               Africa's               top               hurdlers.

    The               August               28,               1972               issue               of               "Sports               Illustrated"               predictably               listed               that               American               Ralph               Mann               would               win               Olympic               gold,               that               Bill               Koskei               would               come               in               second,               and               that               John               Akii-Bua               of               Uganda               would               win               the               bronze               medal               and               that               the               three               were               the               premier               medal               prospects.
                   At               the               Olympic               Games               in               1972,               William               Koskei,               though               running               in               the               favorable               lane               4,               was               disappointingly               eliminated               in               the               first               round.

    His               fourth               place               finish               in               Heat               2,               in               a               time               of               50.58               seconds               would               not               carry               him               onto               the               next               round.

    It               was               virtually               Koskei's               last               chance               at               the               Olympics,               given               that               the               next               two               Olympics,               held               in               Montreal               (1976)               and               Moscow               (1980)               would               be               boycotted               by               Kenya               and               many               other               nations.

    It               was               in               1972               that               Koskei               was               at               his               peak,               the               year               he               ran               a               personal               best               of               49               seconds.

    At               the               Olympics               in               1972,               Uganda's               John               Akii-Bua               would               win               in               a               world               record               of               47.82               seconds,               becoming               the               first               man               ever               to               officially               run               the               400m               hurdles               in               less               than               48               seconds.

    Ralph               Mann               won               silver               by               several               yards               away,               and               former               Olympic               champion               David               Hemery               of               Great               Britain               racing               in               a               very               close               third.

    Even               after               40               years,               Uganda               seems               to               indefinitely               celebrate               Akii-Bua's               Olympic               medal               triumph,               the               only               Olympic               gold               that               the               country               has               ever               garnered.

    President               Idi               Amin,               Uganda's               dictator               from               1971               to               1979,               would               soon               reward               policeman               Akii               by               promoting               him               to               Assistant               Inspector               of               Police               (Police               Lieutenant),               giving               him               a               house               (from               the               many               dispossessed               from               east               Asians               expelled               from               or               who               had               fled               Uganda),               naming               a               prominent               lengthy               road               in               Kampala               (Stanley               Road--that               had               been               named               after               American               explorer               Henry               Morton               Stanley)               "Akii-Bua               Road."               Since               then,               many               sports               establishments               have               ben               named               in               Akii's               name.
                   It               is               intriguing               to               more               thoroughly               follow               both               the               road               to               Akii's               greatest               sports               triumphs               and               the               thereafter.
                   Akii-Bua               fascinated               his               international               competition               by               his               unique               hurdling               and               training               methods.

    In               the               Los               Angeles               article               "Akii-Bua               Has               Method               for               Hurdles"               in               "The               Spokesman               Review"               (June               18,               1972               on               page               29):               "John               Akii-Bua               approaches               the               intermediate               hurdles               race               with               abandon               and               for               that               reason               he's               being               picked               by               many               as               the               next               Olympic               champion               in               the               400               meter               event."               Akii               was               known               to               run               unconventionally,               not               confined               to               the               conventional               method               of               planning               to               interchange               13               to               15               strides               between               each               hurdle.

    For               example,               Ralph               Mann,               the               American               champion,               had               an               established               plan               of               running               13               strides               between               the               first               five               hurdles,               change               gears               to               14               strides               over               the               next               two,               and               then               switch               to               15               steps               over               the               next               three               hurdles.

    In               the               "Spokesman               Review"               piece,               Akii-Bua               is               quoted               as               saying:
                   "I               like               to               run               14               steps               between               the               hurdles               but               when               I               run               and               get               to               the               hurdle               in               13               steps,               I               say               'okay'               and               I               jump               it.

    ...I               just               run               hard               between               the               hurdles               and               go               over               them               when               I               get               there.

                   Some               years               later,               legendary               American               Edwin               Moses,               the               greatest               intermediate               hurdler               of               all               time               would               fascinate               the               world               with               his               long               flowing               strides               that               would               allow               him               to               stride               13               steps               in               between               all               the               hurdles.

    Akii               was               also               touted               for               being               advantaged               with               his               ambidextrous               ability               to               hurdle               easily               with               either               his               right               or               left               leg.
                   Previously,               at               the               U.S.-Russian-World               All-Star               track               meet               held               in               July               of               1971               in               Berkeley               at               the               University               of               California               Edwards               Stadium,               Akii-Bua               won               in               the               intermediate               hurdles               in               an               impressive               50.1               seconds,               on               July               3.

    Ralph               Mann               was               not               among               the               competitors.

    Jim               Seymour               (USA),               now               at               the               University               of               Washington               and               a               would-be               USA               hurdler               in               the               1972               forthcoming               Olympics,               came               in               second               in               50.5               seconds.

    In               July               1971               in               Durham               in               North               Carolina,               Akii-Bua               had               won               in               the               400               meters-hurdles               at               the               Africa               vs.

    USA               meet.

    Akii-Bua               proved               he               was               not               a               fluke               by               clearly               beating               African               rival               Koskei,               alongside               the               rest               of               the               contingent               of               Africans               and               Americans,               and               winning               in               an               impressive               personal               best               of               49.05               seconds.

    American               and               number               one               ranked               champion               Ralph               Mann               did               not               show               up.

    He               was               competing               in               Europe.
                   In               July               1972,               closer               to               the               Olympics,               Akii-Bua               won               the               event               at               the               Compton               Invitational               in               Los               Angeles               in               a               good               time               of               49.6               seconds.

    After               the               time               was               announced,               Akii-Bua               remarked               in               astonishment               that               the               time               was               too               fast,               given               that               he               had               hardly               done               any               hurdling               training               in               the               past               three               months.

    He               had               not               wanted               to               run               that               fast               that               early               in               the               season               and               make               himself               vulnerable               to               injury               and               burnout.

    It               is               to               be               taken               into               consideration               that               prior               to               1980,               men's               400               meters-hurdles               timings               below               50               seconds               were               considered               very               good               or               excellent.

    And               at               this               time,               Akii's               official               best               time               was               49               seconds.

    A               few               months               before               the               Olympics,               Akii               felt               that               his               169               pounds               on               a               6'2"               frame               was               too               light               and               he               wished               to               build               up               strength               and               weight               to               180               pounds               in               time               for               the               Olympics.
                   Sports               enthusiasts               in               Uganda               were               generally               of               the               opinion               that               though               Akii-Bua               was               capable               of               winning               an               Olympic               medal,               he               did               not               train               hard               enough               and               was               not               dedicated               and               focused               enough.

    He               often               came               across               as               carefree.

    Some               of               his               times,               especially               at               home               were               not               satisfactory.

    He               was               also               beaten               into               second               place               by               European               hurdlers,               such               as               Greek               Cypriot               Stavros               Tziortzis               and               Soviet               Union's               Yevgeny               Gavrilenko,               in               a               couple               of               occasions               in               European               meets.

    There               was               during               that               era               also               the               prevailing               universal               attitude               that               hurdling               was               too               technical               and               scientific               an               event               for               black               Africans,               this               worsened               by               Africans'               mediocre               training               facilities.
                   Further,               despite               Akii-Bua's               impressive               performances,               he               had               ascended               to               international               recognition               rather               quickly.

    He               started               running               the               intermediate               hurdles               late               in               1969.

    His               fourth               place               finishing               in               the               400               meters-hurdles               finals               at               the               Commonwealth               Games               in               1970,               was               followed               by               his               establishment               of               an               African               record,               including               wins               in               several               international               meets               in               the               United               States               and               Europe               in               1971               and               early               1972.

    In               a               way,               Akii-Bua               was               still               relatively               unknown               on               the               world               athletics               scene.

    Though               not               by               his               choice,               he               had               not               competed               against               some               of               the               premier               world               intermediate               hurdlers               such               as               Ralph               Mann               and               David               Hemery.

    In               sum,               Akii               was               not               regarded               by               many               as               a               major               medal               prospect               at               the               forthcoming               Olympics               that               would               take               place               in               Germany               in               1972.

    And               even               if               he               did               eventually               win,               this               would               likely               be               considered               a               fluke!
                   Contradicting               the               prevailing               opinion               on               Akii-Bua               prior               to               the               Olympics               was               the               revelation               that               in               fact               Akii-Bua               had               eyed               the               Olympic               gold               medal               and               breaking               the               400m               hurdles               world               record               quite               seriously!

    He               aimed               to               win               in               a               big               way!

    It               turns               out               that               Akii's               regimen               of               training               included               a               lot               of               cross-country               and               hill               running               in               Uganda               rainy               conditions               because               a               dry               track               was               not               always               readily               available               to               him.

    His               hurdling               training               was               grueling,               involving               him               strapping               a               jacket               weighted               with               25-35               pounds               of               lead               to               his               back               and               running               the               hurdles               (heightened               to               42               inches               high               as               compared               to               the               conventional               36               inches)               for               1500               meters               at               least               six               times               a               week.

    This               is               mentioned               by               legendary               Jesse               Owens               in               the               "Pittsburgh               Post-Gazette"               of               September               4,               1972               in               the               article:               "Akii-Bua's               Win               Impressive."               The               400mh               world               record,               held               by               David               Hemery,               was               48.1               seconds.

    Akii               had               never               officially               ran               the               intermediate               hurdles               distance               in               less               than               49               seconds.

    Yet,               weeks               prior               to               the               Olympics,               he               was               very               confident               of               running               the               distance               in               47               seconds               if               the               weather               would               be               ideal               ("John               Akii-Bua,               an               Athlete               Who's               Just               too               Good               to               Lose"               by               Doug               Gilbert               in               "The               Montreal               Gazette-May               18,               1977).
                   It               was               at               the               end               of               August               of               1972               that               the               Olympics               1972               400mh               round               one               heats               (five               sets)               were               held.

    The               rule               was               for               the               first               leading               three               athlete               in               each               heat               (altogether               15               athletes),               together               with               the               next               one               fastest               athlete               to               make               it               the               16               semi-finalists.

    Feelings               about               Akii-Bua's               performance               were               mixed,               some               skeptical.

    Akii               won               in               heat               4,               but               his               winning               time               of               50.35               seconds               was               the               slowest               winning               time               among               the               five               heats.

    Akii-Bua               probably               simply               relaxed               himself               during               the               run,               being               confident               that               he               was               through               to               the               semi-finals.

    Winners               in               the               other               heats               were               Dieter               Buttner               (West               Germany)               in               Heat               One               in               49.78               seconds;               Dave               Hemery               (Great               Britain)               in               Heat               Two               in               49.72               seconds;               Christian               Rudolph               (East               Germany)               in               Heat               Three               in               50               seconds;               and               Yevgeny               Gavrilenko               (Soviet               Union)               in               Heat               Five               in               49.73               seconds.
                   In               the               first               of               two               semi-finals,               Akii-Bua               not               only               ran               significantly               faster               than               he               had               done               in               the               first               round               but               proved               that               he               was               a               top               contender               for               the               gold               medal.

    Media               communications               in               Uganda               and               the               rest               of               the               world               were               far               less               developed               in               the               1970's               than               those               of               this               Internet               and               mobile               phone               age.

    Most               Ugandans,               relying               on               radio               and               piecemeal               newspaper               and               television               networks               were               in               the               dark               about               the               impressive               progress               of               Akii.

    Importantly,               Semi-Final               Round               One               witnessed               Akii-Bua               win               in               49.25               seconds               (his               next               best               personal               performance               in               comparison               with               his               African               record               of               49.00               seconds),               and               decisively               trouncing               gold-medal               hopes               Ralph               Mann               (49.53               seconds)               the               American               national               champion               and               record               holder               and               Dave               Hemery               (49.66               seconds)               the               Olympic               champion               and               world-record               holder.

    It               was               the               first               time               that               Akii               had               faced               this               quality               of               competition;               until               then               he               had               not               achieved               the               chance               to               race               with               those               two               big               names               that               would               likely               be               his               biggest               nemeses               at               the               Olympics.

    Was               Semi-Finals               Heat               One               a               preview               of               what               the               finals               would               be?

    Both               Ralph               Mann               and               Akii-Bua               had               in               this               semi-final               been               assigned               to               unfavorable               Lanes               One               and               Two               respectively;               while               Hemery               was               assigned               to               advantageous               Lane               5               (which               same               lane               he               was               assigned               to               in               all               three               rounds--the               Heats,               the               Semi-Final,               and               the               Final)!
                   It               is               significant               that               while               Akii's               heat               in               Round               One               had               been               the               slowest               among               the               five,               Akii               had               not               only               clocked               the               best               time               in               the               semi-finals,               but               had               also               been               the               only               one               that               had               won               in               both               qualifying               heats.

    The               fourth               placed               in               this               semi-final               was               Rainer               Schubert               of               West               Germany               (49.80               seconds).

    The               first               four               in               each               semi-final               heat               would               advance               to               the               final.

    Competitors               in               Semi-Finals               Heat               Two               were               quite               fast,               but               not               as               impressive               as               the               first               one.

    Two               First-Round               winners,               Christian               Rudolph               and               Dieter               Buttner,               did               not               finish.

    The               winners,               to               advance               to               the               finals,               were               Jim               Seymour               (USA,               49.33               seconds),               Gavrilenko               (Soviet               Union,               49.34               seconds),               Yury               Zorin               (Soviet               Union,               49.60               seconds),               and               Tziortzis               (Greece,               50.06               seconds).
                   The               finals               of               the               Olympic               intermediate               hurdles               were               set               for               September               2,               1972               a               date               only               days               before               what               would               become               known               as               the               Munich               Massacre               executed               on               the               Israeli               team               by               "Black               September"               militants               on               September               5,               1972.

    Akii-Bua,               a               6'               2",               175               pound,               athletically               built,               dark               and               smooth               complexioned               youth               sporting               a               bright               red               Uganda               uniform               with               the               inscription               number               "911"               beamed               and               singularly               stood               out               amongst               his               European-descended               competition.

    Also,               whether               by               design               or               shear               bad               luck               of               drawing,               Akii               was               in               all               three               rounds               assigned               to               either               inner-Lanes               One               or               Two---the               sharpest               and               most               difficult               lanes               to               navigate               around.

    For               the               finals               (after               being               assigned               Lane               Two               in               both               the               preliminary               round               and               the               semi-finals),               Akii               was               assigned               Lane               One,               of               all               lanes!

    Maybe               his               previous               inner-lane               assignments               gave               Akii               the               short-term               experience               and               practice               of               knowing               how               to               navigate               through               to               a               gold               medal               win,               albeit               being               placed               in               unfavorable               Lane               One.

    Nowadays,               it               is               customary               to               allow               the               winners               in               the               preliminary               rounds               to               decide               to               which               lanes               they               will               be               assigned               in               the               forthcoming               rounds.

    Logically,               the               winners               in               each               round               choose               the               middle               lanes,               while               the               runners-up               and               ones               who               ran               slower               end               up               having               to               chose               from               the               "disadvantageous"               outermost               and               inner               lanes!
                   The               prelude               to               the               400mh               finals               is               one               of               the               most               colorful               in               Olympic               history,               as               fourth-positioned               USA               marathoning               finalist               at               the               same               Olympics               Kenny               Moore               (in               "Sports               Illustrated":               'A               Play               of               Light',               November               20,               1972)               reminds               us:               "...Akii-Bua               was               amazing.

    As...other               finalists               in               the...hurdles               stared               blankly...at               Munich's               dried-blood-red               track,               grimly               adjusting               their               blocks               and               minds               for               the               coming               ordeal,               Akii               danced               in               his               lane,               waving               and               grinning               at               friends               in               the               crowd."
                   Nevertheless,               Akii-Bua               was               not               totally               unnerved.

    He               was               sleepless,               the               night               before               the               finals,               "...haunted               by               visions               of               Hemery               winning"               (David               Corn               in               "Notes               on               a               Scandal:               John               Akii-Bua               and               his               Journey               from               Munich               Gold               to               tragedy"               in               "The               Guardian,"               August               6,               2008).
                   The               day               arrived!

    The               finals               witnessed               Hemery,               a               perfectionist               at               timing               and               jumping               the               hurdles               take               the               lead               at               a               faster               pace               in               the               first               200               meters               than               had               been               the               case               when               he               won               gold               in               world-record               time               in               the               previous               Olympics               held               in               Mexico               City.

    Most               of               the               cameras               were               concentrated               on               Hemery.

    But               long-legged               Akii               was               steadily               catching               up               and               overtaking               the               competition               that               he               could               clearly               see               in               front               of               him.

    It               became               apparent               that               Akii               was               in               the               lead               soon               after               the               final               turn               and               that               Hemery               was               slowing               down.

    Hemery               looked               helplessly               to               his               left               as               Akii,               three               lanes               down               powered               through.

    Akii               still               felt               strong               and,               the               finishing               line               was               close,               and               Akii               was               confident               that               the               gold               would               be               his!

    Even               after               hitting               the               last               hurdle,               Akii               closed               onto               the               finishing               line               in               what               was               then               regarded               as               an               astonishing               new               world               record               47.82               seconds!
                   Not               until               American               Angelo               Taylor,               24               years               later               in               the               Olympics               of               1996               held               in               Atlanta               (Georgia)               would               a               400               meter-hurdler               running               in               the               innermost               lane               win               gold.

    While               Taylor               won               in               47.50               seconds,               a               displacement               of               Akii's               world               best               of               47.82s               gold               medal               win               in               the               inner               lane,               his               photofinish               race               required               many               minutes               to               pass               before               the               ultimate               winner               between               he               and               Saudi               Arabian               Hadj               Soua'an               Al-Somaily               (47.53s)               in               lane               4               was               decided.

    This               happened               on               27th               September,               2000.
                   "Akii-Bua               fascinated               the               fans               by               show-boating               after               his               victory.

    He               leaped               over               imaginary               hurdles,               went               into               dances,               and               waved               and               grinned               at               admirers"               (William               Grimsley-"In               Pole               Vaulting,               Rowing               U.S.

    Handed               Big               Olympics               Setback"               Tuscaloosa               News,               September               3,               1972).

    Akii-Bua's               victory,               let               alone               attendance               at               the               Olympics               in               Munchen               may               not               have               happened.

    Many               African               nations,               had               threatened               to               massively               walk               out               of               the               games               in               protest               of               the               admission               of               white-ruled               Rhodesia               (now               Zimbabwe).

    Rhodesia               became               disqualified.
                   The               outcome               of               the               finals               is               further               dramatically               illustrated               by               Kenny               Moore               ("Sports               Illustrated":               'A               Play               of               Light',               November               20,               1972):
                   "...after               he               had               won               the               race               in               world-record               time...kept               on               going               past               the               finish,               barely               slowing               while               his               victims               slumped               and               dry-heaved....

    The               organizing               committee               had               not               allowed               time               for               victory               laps               but               the               crowd               was               on               its               feet,               calling,               and               Akii               heard.

    ...bounding               over               a               hurdle               and               then               he               floated               down               the               backstretch,               clearing               each               hurdle               again,               a               crimson               and               black               impala               leaping               joyfully               over               imaginary               barriers               where               there               were               no               real               ones,               creating               one               of               the               few               moments               of               exultation               in               the               Olympics.

    And               after               the               Games               had               ended,               on               notes               of               violence               and               regret               and               disgust,               it               seemed               that               Akii-Bua               most               symbolized               what               they               might               have               been.

    He               seemed               a               man               eminently               worth               knowing."
                   Sam               Wollaston               in               another               "Guardian"               article               (August               11,               2008)               "The               Weekend's               TV,"               writes               that               Akii               "...on               the               night               before               his               Olympic               victory...drank               a               whole               bottle               of               champagne,               provided               by               his               [British]               coach               [Malcolm               Arnold].

    To               help               him               sleep."
                   Malcolm               Arnold,               a               secondary               school               teacher               and               part-time               athletics               coach               left               Bristol               for               Uganda               in               1968               where               he               would               head               coach               the               Uganda               track-and-field               team               for               five               years.

    After               Akii's               successes,               Arnold               became               a               national               coach               in               the               United               Kingdom               and               is               credited               with               successes               of               such               athletes               as               hurdler               Colin               Jackson.

    Partly               because               Akii's               background               of               deprivation               and               meager               training               facilities,               Arnold               now               in               his               70's               still               considers               Akii               as               his               foremost               trainee.

    Just               before               the               race,               Arnold               had               advised               Akii               to               concentrate               on               running               his               race               and               going               for               the               gold               instead               of               worrying               about               the               pace               of               the               other               competitors               and               the               pace               of               first               200               meters.
                   Kenny               Moore               (in               "Sports               Illustrated":               'A               Play               of               Light',               November               20,               1972),               from               an               exchange               while               riding               leisurely               with               Akii               in               Kampala               the               Uganda               capital,               describes               him               neatly:
                   "...he               gave               an               impression               of               greater               bulk               than               when               seen               running.

    His               features               are               fine,               almost               delicate,               and               his               complexion               very               smooth.

    His               eyes               are               small,               allowing               his               face               to               be               dominated               by               perfect               white               teeth."
                   The               second               All-Africa               Games               were               held               in               January               7-18,               1973               in               the               Nigeria               capital               city               of               Lagos.

    Bill               Koskei               made               it               to               the               finals               of               the               men's               400m               hurdles.

    Also               in               the               final               line-up               was               recently               crowned               Olympic               gold               medalist               and               world               record               holder               and               nemesis               of               Koskei,               John               Akii-Bua               of               Uganda               who               was               expected               to               win.

    Akii-Bua               won               easily,               but               what               is               astonishing               is               that               Akii-Bua               won               in               a               very               fast               time               of               48.54s--at               that               time               among               the               fastest               time               ever               run               in               the               hurdles'               race,               and               the               second               best               time               during               that               year               and               best               time               ever               on               African               soil.

    Koskei               grabbed               the               silver,               running               nearly               a               full               two               seconds               (50.22s)               behind               Akii-Bua,               and               a               photo-finish               ahead               of               bronze               medalist               Silver               Ayoo               (50.25s)               of               Uganda.

    Akii-Bua               would               soon               remark               that               although               he               was               comfortably               far               ahead               of               the               pack,               as               he               approached               the               final               bend               of               the               race,               a               glimpse               of               the               conspicuously               military-adorned               and               revered               Nigerian               president               General               Yakubu               Dan-Yumma               Gowon               high               in               the               stands               and               watching               and               cheering,               boosted               him               on               to               speed               up.
                   Interestingly,               later               on               July               25               1975,               a               coup               d'etat               lead               by               Brigadier               Murtala               Ramat               Mohammed               overthrew               General               Gowon               as               he               attended               an               Organization               of               African               Unity               (OAU)               summit               being               held               in               Kampala.

    Corruption,               financial               laxness               and               mismanagement,               and               the               postponement               of               national               elections               were               among               the               accusations               leveled               upon               the               Gowon               regime.
                   During               1973,               Akii               maintained               his               position               of               world's               leading               intermediate               hurdler               on               the               globe.

    His               leading               time               was               48.49               seconds.

    Second               in               ranking               in               1973               was               American               Jim               Bolding               (48.8s)               who               had               been               a               student               and               outstanding               All-American               star               at               Oklahoma               State               University               (1969-1972)               and               would               turn               out               to               be               Akii's               main               American               competitor.

    Ralph               Mann's               best               time               in               1973               (49.3               seconds)               moved               him               down               to               third               ranking               in               the               world.

    William               Koskei,               with               a               time               of               49.34s               moved               down               to               7th               ranked               and               this               compared               to               the               previous               year               when               Koskei               was               ranked               6th.
                   The               Akii-Bolding               rivalry               included               Akii               beating               Bolding               in               a               track               meet               held               in               the               third               week               of               June               1973;               Bolding               beating               Akii               at               the               end               of               June               1973               whereby               he               won               in               a               photo-finish               at               an               international               meet               in               Sweden               in               a               relatively               mediocre               time               of               50               seconds;               Akii               losing               to               Bolding               (49.0               seconds)               at               the               end               of               July               1975;               and               Akii               beating               Bolding               during               the               middle               of               August               1975.
                   Earlier               on               in               early               July               1975,               Jim               Bolding               became               ranked               first               in               the               world               (48.55s,               during               a               track               meet               in               Paris).

    During               the               same               year               Alan               Pascoe               of               Great               Britain               attained               48.59               seconds               and               achieved               the               number-two               ranking.

    Akii's               best               time               of               48.67               seconds               during               this               year               shifted               him               down               to               third-ranked               in               the               world.
                   Interestingly,               probably               because               of               inadequate               training               and/or               participation,               possibly               injury,               Akii               was               not               ranked               among               the               world's               top-10               during               1974.

    This               year,               the               Commonwealth               Games               held               in               Christchurch               in               New               Zealand               would               have               been               Akii's               best               chance               at               a               Commonwealth               Games               gold               medal.

    However,               at               a               track               meet               in               the               first               week               of               July               1974,               Jim               Bolding               set               an               American               record               of               48.10s               and               beat               Akii               into               third               place.

    Just               as               he               would               be               in               the               following               year,               Jim               Bolding               became               ranked               number               one               in               the               world.

    In               retrospect,               as               an               injured               newcomer               to               the               intermediate               hurdles               Akii-Bua               had               finished               fourth               at               the               finals               behind               (respectively)               John               Sherwood               (England),               William               Koskei               (Uganda),               and               Charles               Kipkemboi               Yego               (Kenya)               at               the               British               Commonwealth               Games               that               were               held               in               Edinburgh               in               Scotland               in               1970.
                   In               late               June               1975,               at               an               international               track               meet               in               Helsinki               in               Finland,               Jim               Bolding               after               powerfully               leading               during               the               first               300               meters,               was               comfortably               beaten               by               Akii-Bua.

    However,               the               top               winner,               at               these               "World               Games,"               held               in               Helsinki               was               Alan               Pascoe               of               Great               Britain.
                   At               a               track               meet               held               in               Stuttgart               in               Germany               in               late               1975,               Akii               won               by               far               in               an               impressive               time               of               48.72               seconds,               Jim               Bolding               was               second               in               about               a               second               away               in               49.60               seconds.
                   Akii-Bua               in               early               June               1976               became               the               main               highlight               star               at               a               German               international               meet               held               in               Dusseldorf               when               he               won               in               both               the               400-flat               and               the               400mh.

    The               competition               was               overwhelmingly               of               German               nationals,               but               it               was               importantly               regarded               as               an               Olympics-1976               Games'               qualifier.

    Akii-Bua's               400mh               win               in               48.58               seconds               was               his               personal               best               for               the               year.

    An               excellent               time,               it               would               still               lag               behind               into               5th               best               for               the               year               behind               the               recordings               for               Edwin               Moses               (USA),               Quentin               Wheeler               and               Tom               Andrews               (USA,               48.55s),               and               Jim               Bolding               (USA,               48.57s).

    The               more               frequent               sub-49-second               runs               spelled               more               competition               in               the               intermediate               hurdles!
                   Akii-Bua's               win               in               the               400               meters-flat               final               at               the               Dusseldorf               meet               was               in               a               personal               best               time               of               45.82               seconds.

    Akii               beat               upcoming               Olympic               relay               bronze-medalist               German               Franz-Peter               Hofmeister               (46.39s)               into               second               place,               and               European               record-holder               and               Olympic               finalist               Karl               Honz               (West               Germany)               fading               into               third               place.

    Only               a               couple               of               months               before               Montreal               1976,               this               was               Akii's               most               profound               pre-Olympic               display               of               evidence               that               he               was               very               much               in               contention               for               another               Olympic               medal.

    Akii               had               trained               in               the               city               Dortmund               in               preparation               for               the               Olympic               Games.
                   In               the               third               week               of               June               1976,               Akii-Bua               tore               a               thigh               (left               hamstring)               muscle               that               could               have               reduced               his               chances               of               a               medal               at               the               1976               Olympics               at               Montreal.

    Additionally               and               unfortunately,               medal               hopes               Jim               Bolding               and               Ralph               Mann               failed               to               secure               one               of               the               three               berths               on               the               USA               team               for               the               Olympics.

    They               were               beaten               into               4th               and               6th               place,               respectively.

    Worse               still               for               Akii-Bua,               Uganda               boycotted               the               Olympics               held               in               Montreal.

    American               Olympic               qualifiers               at               the               USA               trials               were               20               year-old               Edwin               Moses               (48.30               seconds)               a               physics-industrial               engineering               student               at               renowned               Morehouse               College               in               Atlanta               (Georgia),               21               year-old               Quentin               David               Wheeler               (San               Diego               State               University),               and               22               year-old               Mike               Shine               of               Pennsylvania               State               University.
                   At               the               Olympic               Games,               unheralded               Mike               Shine               surprisingly               won               a               silver               medal               doing               it               lane               1..the               same               disadvantageous               lane               placing               that               Akii-Bua               contended               with               in               the               previous               Olympics!

    His               personal               best               time               of               48.69s               placed               him               6th               in               the               world               in               1976.

    It               was               the               first               and               last               time               that               Mike               Shine               would               shine               in               this               top               ten               list.

    Quentin               Wheeler               managed               a               4th               place               finish               behind               Soviet               Yevgeny               Gavrilenko               who               was               a               finalist               at               the               previous               Olympics.

    The               winner               Edwin               Moses,               running               in               lane               4,               had               gradually               switched               from               competing               in               the               110               meter-hurdles               and               the               400m-flat               over               just               the               previous               six               months               of               1976.

    He               won,               on               25               July               1976,               in               a               new               world               record               of               47.63s!

    The               Olympics               had               been               Moses'               first               international               meet!

    Akii-Bua's               world               record               was               gone!
                   Edwin               Moses               remains               the               greatest               hurdler               of               all               time.

    His               accolades               (apart               from               his               numerous               sports               awards               and               designations)               include               remaining               unbeaten               at               the               intermediate               hurdles               for               nearly               10               years,               setting               his               own               world               record               four               times               (his               best               time               being               47.03s               in               1983),               consecutively               winning               122               races               (including               107               consecutive               finals),               winning               2               Olympic               gold               medals,               and               being               active               in               international               competition               for               more               than               15               years               and               into               his               mid-thirties!

    Unfortunately,               Moses               was               never               to               race               with               Akii-Bua.

    The               clash               between               the               two               at               the               1976               Olympics               had               been               eagerly               anticipated,               but               it               was               never               to               happen!
                   Akii-Bua               was               hardly               active               competitively               in               1977.

    Governmental               devotion               of               financial               resources               to               supporting               sports               had               dwindled               in               the               Uganda               military               regime               of               Idi               Amin               that               progressively               devoted               more               resources               to               arms               and               ammunition               and               struggled               with               its               image               and               potential               liberators               abroad.

    Rumors               about               the               condition               of               Akii-Bua               were               rife.

    In               a               Nairobi               article               of               3rd               March               1977               in               'The               Age'               entitled               'Akii-Bua               Prison               Claim               'Rubbish,'"               Mrs.

    Joyce               Akii-Bua               flatly               denies               that               her               husband               was               arrested               in               Kampala,               refuting               the               Kenyan               "Daily               Nation"               that               Akii               had               been               locked               up               in               Makindye               Maximum               Security               Prison;               she               tells               reporters:               "These               reports               are               complete               rubbish.

    I               don't               know               where               they               come               from.

    My               husband               is               fine               and               there               is               nothing               to               worry               about."
                   The               world,               during               these               volatile               years               in               Uganda,               only               saw               a               glimpse               of               Akii-Bua.

    At               the               All-Africa               Games               held               in               Algiers               in               Algeria,               from               13th-28th               July               in               1978,               Akii               was               beaten               in               the               400mh               finals               by               Kenya's               Daniel               Kimaiyo               (49.48s),               Akii               ran               in               second               (49.55s),               and               Peter               Rwamuhanda               (50.18s)               of               Uganda               won               the               bronze               medal.

    All               three               medallists,               in               the               same               event               at               the               previous               Africa               Games               Lagos               1973),               had               also               been               from               the               east               African               countries               Kenya               and               Uganda               (including               Akii               with               his               gold               medal               win)!

    These               personals-best               for               Kimaiyo               and               Akii-Bua               placed               them               as               7th               and               10th               in               the               world               respectively.

    That               top-10               ranking               would               be               the               first               and               last               for               Kimaiyo               and               the               last               for               Akii-Bua.

    Soon               after,               at               the               British               Empire               Commonwealth               Games               held               in               Edmonton               (Alberta,               Canada)               from               August               3-12,               1978,               Daniel               Kimaiyo               not               only               won               the               400mh               gold               (in               49.48s),               but               also               co-anchored               with               Bill               Koskei,               Washington               Njiri,               and               Joel               Ngetich               to               win               the               4               x               400               meters               relay               gold.

    Kimaiyo               notably               also               won               the               400mh               East               and               Central               African               Championships               title,               the               following               year               1979...the               venue               was               Mombasa,               Kenya.

    These               Championships               were               not               held               in               1978.
                   In               1979,               armed               liberators               that               included               a               heavy               contingent               of               Tanzania               national               forces               alongside               Ugandan               rebels               and               liberators               marched               into               Uganda               and               overthrew               Amin               after               his               8-year               reign.

    Scores               of               people               were               killed               during               the               "Liberation               war"--the               process               of               the               ouster               of               Amin               by               Tanzania               armed               forces               and               Ugandan               exiles.

    In               the               1970's               Akii-Bua               had               sporadically               been               rumored               to               be               in               danger,               mainly               because               he               was               of               the               same               Lango               ethnic               group               that               Milton               Obote               who               had               been               ousted               in               the               1971               coup               d'etat               engineered               by               General               Amin's               military               loyalists.

    A               bulk               of               Uganda               exiles               (many               residing               in               Tanzania)               as               well               as               those               persecuted               in               Uganda               were               Langi.

    But               over               the               years               Akii               possibly               partly               confident               of               his               universal               prominence               in               Uganda,               impressed               by               the               several               accolades               bestowed               on               him               by               Idi               Amin               himself               (including               promotions               in               the               national               police               force,               and               a               major               road               in               Kampala               named               after               him),               and               preferring               to               stay               put               in               Uganda               with               his               immediate               and               extended               family               did               not               exhibit               unusual               fear               for               his               safety.
                   If               Akii's               athletics               career               was               negatively               affected               by               the               regime               of               Amin,               it               was               no               more               negatively               impacted               than               the               careers               of               many               other               Ugandan               athletes--mainly               because               of               diminishing               allocation               of               resources               to               sports               and               funding               for               international               tournaments.

    Amin,               given               Akii's               international               status,               would               have               had               a               lot               lose               in               the               eyes               of               the               world               if               he               harmed               Akii;               and               he               did               have               a               lot               to               gain               by               courting               and               making               Akii               feel               comfortable               at               home.

    Still,               Akii-Bua               was               sometimes               hindered               from               leaving               Uganda,               more               so               as               the               regime               of               Amin               became               progressively               notorious               on               the               world               scene.
                   From               1970               to               1978,               it               is               only               in               1974               and               1977               that               Akii-Bua               is               not               listed               as               among               the               top-10               fastest               400mh               runners               in               the               world.

    The               maintaining               of               longevity               by               an               athlete,               is               a               remarkable               feat,               more               so               in               such               heavily               demanding               races               as               the               400mh.

    Remaining               a               top               world               athlete               involves               maintaining               health,               strength               and               form;               maintaining               discipline;               and               minimizing               injury.

    Akii               still               had               some               impressive               sponsorship               opportunities               to               train               and               run               internationally,               such               as               when               he               trained               in               Germany               prior               to               the               Olympics               of               both               1976               and               1980.
                   This               is               under               'People               in               Sports:               Wire               Service               Reports'               titled               "Akii-Bua               Safe?"               in               the               "Eugene               Register               Guard"               of               28th               May               1979:
                   Undoubtedly,               Akii               always               put               his               family               first,               even               far               ahead               of               his               athletics'               endeavors               and               glory!

    Fleeing               Uganda               for               Kenya,               as               Amin's               power               crumbled.

    He               sent               his               pregnant               wife               plus               their               three               children               (8               year-old               Tony,               5               year-old               Tonia,               21               month-old               Denise)               ahead               to               a               town               near               the               Uganda-Kenya               border.

    Akii               driving               his               Peugeot               at               top               speed               fled               Kampala               with               his               nephew,               and               was               briefly               pursued               by               policemen;               luckily,               they               did               not               shoot.

    The               ordeal               involved               Joyce               birthing               a               premature               baby               who               died               a               day               later.

    The               parents               did               not               even               have               the               money               to               bury               their               child.

    Hundreds               of               Ugandan               refugees,               of               which               Akii               was               one,               were               rounded               up               in               Kenya               and               detained               in               a               camp.

    It               was               after               being               released               a               month               later               that               Akii               briefly               returned               to               Kampala.

    His               like               many               vacated               homes,               had               been               ransacked!

    It               was               from               here               that               he               moved               close               to               Nuremberg               where               he               would               prepare               for               the               forthcoming               Olympics,               and               also               be               a               promoter               for               Puma               for               three               or               4               years.

    Much               of               this               is               recounted               in               Fred               Hauptfuhrer's               "Olympic               Champ               John               Akii-Bua               Won               No               Medals,               Only               a               New               Life,               Racing               to               Escape               Amin's               Uganda,"               (10th               December               1979)               in               "People"               Magazine.
                   The               'Lawrence               Journal-World'               of               20th               June               1979               in               "Akii-Bua               in               Germany               With               Eye               on               Training,"               and               the               'Schenectady               Gazette'               of               21               June               1979               in               "Akii-Bua               Mulling               Olympic               'Offers'"               reports               Akii-Bua               as               having               recently               joined               his               wife               and               three               children               in               the               West               Germany               town               Herzogenaurach               near               Nuremberg,               and               was               mulling               over               offers               to               train               for               the               forthcoming               Olympics               in               Moscow.

    Akii's               fleeing               Uganda               in               face               of               the               volatile               turmoil               surrounding               the               ouster               of               Amin               coincided               with               his               need               to               be               in               a               stable               situation               so               as               to               train               for               the               Olympic               Games.

    Further,               Amin's               soldiers               had               persecuted               many               from               Akii's               ethnic               group               (the               Langi),               and               a               sizeable               chunk               of               exiles               and               liberators               were               Langi.

    Because               Akii-Bua               refused               to               flee               Uganda               and               hang               on               as               a               national               star               despite               the               alleged               ravishes               of               the               Amin               regime               and               the               many               opportunities               that               were               open               to               Akii               to               flee               Uganda               and               denounce               the               Amin               regime,               Akii               was               regarded               by               many               of               the               Langi               (including               members               of               his               own               family)               as               a               staunch               supporter               and               stooge               of               the               Amin               regime.

    Hence,               paradoxically,               during               the               overthrow               of               Amin,               Akii's               life               may               have               been               in               danger               at               the               hands               of               his               own               people               infuriated               at               his               "running               for               Amin,"               over               the               years!
                   Akii-Bua's               blood               brother               James               Ocen-Bua               who               was               in               the               Uganda               Army               was               killed               at               the               hands               of               Idi               Amin               forces               (Denis               H.Obua:               "John               Alii-Bua               is               a               Forgotten               Sports               Hero"               in               "The               Observer,"               28th               March               2010)
                   The               summer               Olympics               of               1980               in               Moscow               began               with               the               opening               ceremony               spearheaded               by               Soviet               President               Leonid               Brezhnev               on               July               20               1980.

    They               would               run               until               August               3rd.

    Akii-Bua               had               trained               in               Germany               a               few               months               prior               to               the               Olympics,               and               despite               his               relatively               advanced               age               of               30               (he               was               one               of               a               couple               of               400mh               competitors               in               the               30's),               he               was               still               determined               to               make               it               at               least               up               to               the               finals.

    That               many               countries,               including               Germany,               United               States               and               Kenya               boycotted               the               Games               in               protest               of               the               Soviet               military               presence               in               Afghanistan               reduced               the               competition               and               the               validity               of               the               Games.

    However,               the               absence               of               top               world               hurdlers               such               as               Edwin               Moses               and               Harald               Schmid               (West               Germany)--the               top               two               intermediate               hurdles               runners               in               1980,               bolstered               Akii's               chances               at               a               commendable               performance               at               the               Games.
                   Just               days               before               his               participation               in               Moscow,               a               confident               Akii               soon               after               competing               in               a               track               meet               in               Stockholm               in               Sweden               tells               reporters,               "I               know               I'll               be               in               the               finals.

    I               am               completely               serious.

    ..Look               at               me.

    ..Do               you               see               an               extra               pound               place?..Seriously..I'm               getting               to               be               in               real               good               shape.

    ...The               question               is               only               technique...
                   Akii               was               scheduled               to               run               in               the               first               heat               (of               three               heats)               of               Round               One               on               July               24th,               in               Lenin               Stadium.

    He               was               placed               in               lane               4,               a               relatively               favorable               lane.

    The               top               four               finishers               of               each               heat,               plus               four               with               the               next               best               times               would               move               on               to               the               semi-finals.

    Akii's               performance               was               not               encouraging.

    He               was               placed               5th               overall               in               50.87s,               and               faced               the               prospect               of               being               eliminated.

    In               Heat               Two,               two               hurdlers               did               not               finish.

    Heat               Three               determined               that               Akii,               based               on               timing,               would               be               one               of               the               four               additional               runners               to               advance               to               the               semi-finals               that               would               be               held               the               next               day               on               July               25th.

    The               top               three               finishers               in               each               of               the               semi-final               heats,               in               addition               to               two               with               the               next               best               times               would               advance               to               the               finals.
                   Akii               was               placed               in               heat               two               in               the               outermost,               generally               unfavorable               lane               8.

    Akii-Bua               finished               in               51.10s--a               time               considerably               slower               than               that               of               the               preliminary               heats.

    Akii,               the               only               semi-finalist               in               his               30's,               finished               7th.

    On               July               26,               the               finals               witnessed               Volker               Beck               (running               in               lane               8)               win               gold               in               48.70s,               followed               by               Vasily               Arkhipenko               (Soviet               Union)               in               lane               2               in               48.86               seconds,               followed               by               Gary               Oakes               (Great               Britain)               in               lane               1               finishing               in               49.11               seconds.

    All               three               medallists               were               ranked               among               the               world's               top               ten               400m               hurdlers               in               1980.
                   Akii's               next               task               was               the               4               x               400               meters-relay.

    Also               on               the               Uganda               string               were               Silver               Ayoo,               Charles               Dramiga,               and               Pius               Olowo.

    Just               one               round               of               three               heats               would               determine               the               selection               to               the               finals.

    The               top               two               finishers               of               each               round               plus               two               relay               teams               with               the               next               best               times               would               move               on               to               the               finals.

    Uganda's               performance               was               mediocre.

    On               July               31st,               Uganda's               5th               place               in               heat               two,               in               the               time               3               min               7               seconds               would               not               carry               Uganda               through               to               the               finals.

    This               spelt               the               end               of               Akii-Bua's               illustrious               competitive               career               in               athletics.

    As               a               student               at               University               of               New               Mexico,               Charles               Dramiga               was               ranked               as               one               of               the               best               quarter-milers               in               on               the               American               college               scene.

    Dramiga               is               a               former               American               collegiate               record               holder               of               the               600               meters.

    As               a               chiropractor,               Dr.

    Charles               Ole               Dramiga               has               been               in               the               Dallas               (Texas)               area               for               many               years.

    The               Soviet               Union               won               the               4               x               400               meters               relay               (3:01.1),               followed               by               East               Germany               (3:01.3),               and               Italy               (3:04.3)               won               the               bronze               medal.
                   In               Moscow,               only               welterweight               boxer               John               Mugabi               won               the               lone               medal               for               Uganda,               a               silver.

    As               a               professional,               because               of               his               ferociousness,               strength               and               knock-out               speed,               Mugabi               would               become               nicknamed               "the               beast";               and               he               would               become               WBC               world               junior               middleweight               champion               on               7th               July               1989               after               knocking               out               Frenchman               Rene               Jacquot.
                   Akii-Bua               was               to               become               Uganda's               track               and               field               coach.

    He               died               in               late               June               of               1997,               after               being               admitted               to               Kampala's               Mulago               Hospital               with               abdominal               pains               that               had               afflicted               him               for               a               considerable               time,               possibly               stomach               cancer.

    Akii               was               a               widower               when               he               died,               and               was               survived               by               his               11               children.

    John               Akii-Bua's               children               include               Denise               Akii-Bua               [Harris]               (a               journalist,               broadcaster,               and               political               activist),               Maureen               Akii-Bua               (a               model),               and               Janet               Akii-Bua               (a               fine               artist).
                   At               the               time               of               his               death               Akii-Bua               was               a               Senior               Superintendent,               the               Interim               Assistant               Commissioner               of               Police               in               Charge               of               Welfare               and               Community               Affairs.

    A               state               funeral               in               Abako               County               in               northern               Uganda               where               he               grew               up,               honored               the               glorious               John               Akii-Bua.

    Among               the               structures               that               honor               Akii               is               the               Akii-Bua               Memorial               Stadium               and               Akii-Bua               Memorial               Secondary               School               in               Lira.

    On               10th               August               2008,               a               90-minute               documentary,               created               with               the               help               of               Akii's               notes               furnished               to               his               British               coach               Malcolm               Arnold,               was               released               by               the               Dan               Gordon               under               the               British               Broadcasting               corporation               (BBC).

    The               piece,               "The               John               Akii               Bua               Story:               An               African               Tragedy,"               involves               a               cast               of               mostly               Ugandans,               and               it               has               garnered               excellent               positive               reviews.

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